chapter 5

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Bakugo pov

"where do you think Deku went?" Round face...

"I'm not sure, he never came back to the dorms after yesterday," Speedy Gonzales.

"Yeah, he just left yesterday and never came back," Frog girl

"He wasn't at school all day today," Damn Icy-hot

"Maybe I should call him, maybe something bad happened,"

"Don't bother, he won't answer," I said with an annoyed tone. Why do they care so damn much about that damn Deku anyways? He was gone for the night, not that big of a deal.

"Why not? Is he ok?" Round face asked me.

"why the hell should I tell you!?" I yelled across the room. Everyone's eyes were on me. Don't tell me they were all worried about that damn Deku.

"Do you know something Baku-bro?" Kirishima asked me. I looked down. Yeah, I know. I got a phone call around 3 am telling me that Deku stopped breathing in his sleep. Its been years since I got a call from the sleep clinic, I was surprised that I was still on his contact list. I said nothing about it, they have no right to know.

"Come on, you know something, tell us," Round face asked. She seemed really interested in Deku at the moment.

"I ain't telling' you shit! It's none of your damn business!" I shouted at her. Her eyes widened and she looked at me with shock.

"We're just concerned because he left yesterday and never came back, he wasn't even at the dorms last night," pink hair asked,

"Yeah I know, I'm not a dumb ass, dumb ass," I said looking back at my desk.

"You seem really upset about something Baku-bro, are you sure everything's ok? And I'm not asking about bro-doriya. I'm asking about you," Kirishima asked. Why the hell does he call everyone bro? And why the hell does he put 'bro' in everyone's names? Its fucking annoying. "You just seem like your on edge about something,"

"I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," I said, that's all I'm going to tell them, they don't need to know shit.

"Why not? Are you sleeping alright?" Kirishima asked. One thing that pissed me off the most about him, is how persistent he is when one of his friends are upset he'll stop at nothing to find out what's wrong.

"I'm sleeping fine I just-" I paused for a minute, if I tell them I got a phone call then they would drop it right? I just want to get off the damn Deku subject. " I got a phone call around 3, it was disturbing, it was hard to fall back asleep so I just stayed up," I finished. Everyone looked at me. Like they're wanting more, which the did.

"what was the call about?" damn round face asked. "was it about Deku?" OH MY GOD! why does she care so damn much about Deku?! What's so interesting about him!? Why does she want to know so badly!? She needs to shut up!

"IT WAS ABOUT DAMN DEKU NOW SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted. Everyone eyes were on me in pure disbelief. Damn round face pushed me to it, she was going to keep asking until I came out with it.

"You got a call about Midoriya?" Icy-hot asked. No point in hiding it now.

"Yeah, so what if I did," I said.

"what about?" Kirishima asked I sighed.

"the reason why he's not at school is because yesterday he was taken to a sleep clinic. He stayed the night last night. I got a call this morning by the clinic because I'm on his contact list, they told me that his heart and his breathing stopped while he was asleep. They're keeping him till Thursday night or Friday morning, depending on how he sleeps the night before, but they won't hold him past Friday," I said. Everyone stayed quiet.

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