chapter 4

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Izuku pov

  "No! Stop it!" I shouted loudly. Why could no one hear me? I could hear myself loud and clear. It was clear as day. Why don't I hear? I ran into an ally way hiding behind a dumpster catching my breath. I had my hand on my chest feeling my heartbeat. It was fast and rapid. I was sweating heavily, why wouldn't I? I'm being chased! I looked around the area before standing up to leave. The coast looked clear from him so I left my hiding my place. I started to run again trying to find someone who could help me. But still, NO ONE! I wanted to shout but then he could find me again. So I kept quiet for now. But then again, what's the chance that he gave up? 

"Hello?! Can anyone hear me? I don't know where I am! I need help. Please...Anyone..." I said loud enough to be heard. I heard a crash from behind me. My nerves tensed up as I turned around quickly looking for what made the sound. "Hello... Someone please, I don't want to be alone right now..." I said a bit shaken up. I started to back away from the open area I was in, still looking around. Another crash was heard and I started to feel my nerves tense even more. I continued backing out of the open area until I backed into someone. I didn't move. I couldn't. I turned around slowly and looked up. How I wish I didn't.

My eyes widen, and I run quickly, as fast as I could. Why did it feel like I was walking?! What happening?! I need to get away! I was able to get back into an ally being hidden by the dark. Tears started streaming down my face. This is too much! I'm scared, I'm deathly scared. I'm shaking too much. I tried to calm myself down, but all I could do was sob. A loud crash was heard at the end of the ally way. My eyes widen, and I cover my mouth hoping that no one would hear me. The footsteps, they were heavy. Like they were angry, the last time I heard steps like that was back when... another crash. I closed my eyes hoping that is I don't see him he won't see me. All sounds stopped. I couldn't have heard my heartbeat. I opened my eyes slowly and right in front of me were legs. I slowly followed them up eventually finding a face. My eyes followed down his arm to his meaty hand. It was balled up in a fist. He drew his fist back and then -


 "IZU BABY!" my mom shouted, she quickly wrapped me into a tight hug. I was shaking with tears falling down my face. I closed my eyes and hugged her tightly for dear life. I was so frightened. We stayed like this for a while until my heart stopped pounding out of my chest. I laid back down on the bed gently. Doctors were surrounding the bed and computer next to it checking what all was recorded. My heart rate and brain waves. My breathing was still uneasy, but that's what the BiPAP is for. "Take some deep breaths Izu baby, try to calm down ok," My mom said. I did as she said taking deep breaths. The mask started to fog from my breathing. I have to say, this was the worst dream I have had until now. What time is it anyway? I look at the side of the bed seeing that it was three in the morning. Was it that bad that they had to call my mom? How long was my episode that she had enough time to get here?

" Alright, we managed to get everything printed. Izuku? How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"uneasy. What happened? How long was this going on for? Why is my mom hear? Why are so many people here?" I kept asking questions frantically. I wanted - no, needed answers.

"You had an episode not long after we had started and you fell asleep. It's been going on for a few hours. Your mom is here because, one, she's your mom, but also because she was still in the building when your episode started. And everyone is here because... Izuku, your heart, and breathing stopped completely for a few minutes. We had to call doctors from the nearest hospital to keep you, well, alive." The doctor returned all my questions. But now I'm scared.  


shortly after

I lied in the uncomfortable bed connected to the electro pads, BiPAP machine, an oximeter. My mom was allowed to stay the night tonight in case I have another episode. I didn't want to go back to sleep. I know that if I did, he would be there again, I don't want to see him. I cant. 

"Izu, close your eyes hun; you need your rest," my mom said holding my hand. I hold it back tightly and hesitantly closed my eyes. If I have another dream, I might just end it. 

wordcount: 853

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