chapter 3

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Izuku pov 

My mom and I were sitting in the office of the somnologist to check on my sleeping. I already know the problem, but it's best I don't tell my mom about it, she would just worry even more. The last time I've been here was back in second grade during parents' week. We were told to bring in our parents, everyone kept saying how they were going to bring in their dads, that same night I started having nightmares. I got tested and was diagnosed with nightmare disorder. 

"I know its a sensitive subject, but, I would really like to know what you see Izuku, it worries me to no end," my mom said looking up at me from her short hight. I sigh looking down at my feet.

"id rather not talk about it... sorry," I said quietly. I heard her sigh. "I want to tell you, but it could hurt you more, and I don't like seeing you hurt," I said looking at her with a smile. She looked over at me and smiled back softly. 

"I understand, I'll leave it alone," she said with a smile. We smiled at each other for a short time until our name was called. We both stood from our seats and made our way to the door. We followed the nurse to a room. Inside was pretty plain. The walls were a mustard yellow and the floor was a dirty green carpet. There was a full sized bed, next to it was a light green chair on the other side a night side table and a desk with a computer on it. Above the bed were a few machines hanging on over the bed, they connected to the computer. Last time I was here I was in a kid's room. It was a smaller room with a twin sized bed instead of a full one, but everything else was the same. 

I threw my bag onto the bed and sat next to it looking around the room. my mom took a seat on the chair. it was quiet.

"I know you didn't like it here when you were younger, but hopefully you're better with it now," my mom said. I looked back at her and she looked out the window. 

"Don't worry mom, I'm fine with it, it's only for the night right?" I said with a smile. My mom said nothing and just looked outside the window still. "Right mom?" I asked again, still no answer. I sighed and looked down. "How long do I have to be here for then?"

"Only a few days, you'll be back home by Thursday," a voice said, I looked towards the door as the doctor walked in. "Hello Izuku, it's been a while," he said. I looked down not wanting to make eye contact.

"He's been hiving his sleeping problems again. The school nurse called me and told me that he hasn't been able to stay awake at all. I told her about him being here in the past and she recommended him coming back to get tested." My mom told the doctor. I kept from saying anything still looking around the room. I never felt unsafe here, I just really didn't like it. It's not a very comfortable place. 

"That's perfectly fine, it's always good to see an old face," the doctor said, walking over to the computer next to the bed. " I know it's still early, but I think its best if we start right away," he said. Mom nodded.

"I just want him to be ok again, he told me that on Friday he has a big test at school, so I'm hoping he will be well rested by then," mom said.

"Oh, that's right, you're at UA now. Well, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get you back to school," the doctor said, "I'll let you get changed into something comfortable to sleep in while I get everything running. I nodded and grabbed my bag opening it grabbing a gray T-shirt and black sweatpants. I stood and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I set my clothes on the sink and walked over to the toilet, putting the seat down and taking a seat.

I don't want to be here. I know its to help me, but it won't, why can't I just get my old prescription and go back to the UA. I want to watch my friends take their tests, I also want to see what the test even is, it's going to be hard to do it if I don't know what it even is. I'm probably going to fail and take Todorokoi down with me since we're testing together. I sighed and stood and started to change.

I walked out of the bathroom. The bed sheets were already pulled down and the pillows were fluffed. I sat on the bed, still keeping my eyes contact from meeting the doctors.

"Just go ahead and lay down and ill get everything hooked up," he said. I lay down, closing my eyes instantly not wanting to look at anything. I felt something sticky touch my forehead, two things actually. It mush have been the electrode pads. One on the left and one the right. He sat me up and moved my hair from my neck, placing one at the base of my neck. He laid me back down.

"So in case you don't remember, these will record your brain waves, if they're small then you're having a good dream or aren't dreaming at all, but if the waves are bigger than that means you're having one of your dreams, the machine will record the waves and transmit them to the computer for i can trace the waves," the doctor said. I sighed and nodded.

I was hooked up to a few different machines, I was connected to a BiPAP machine for when I have a bad dream my breathing won't go out of whack, I was also put on an oximeter so they can check on my heart rate. All of this just because I have bad dreams? That's why I hate this place, there's way too much stuff to make someone comfortable.

"Just close your eyes and well begin," the doctor said. I nodded, my eyes were already closed so him having to say that was just a waste of breath. My mom walked over to me and ran her fingers through my hair softly. I opened my eyes just to look at her and smile. She smiled back and kissed my head softly.

"I'll see you later Izuku, sleep well," she said before she left. I sighed and closed my eyes again drifting off to sleep.  

Inko pov

Leaving Izuku here was always hard, especially when he was younger, when he had his nightmares he would always call for me but I wouldn't be there with him. But he's older now so he would be fine... Right? 

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