Chapter 7

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Kamski's mansion.

Gavin's POV.

I knocked hard. "Open the the fucking door Elijah!" I yelled. Then an Android with blonde hair in a blue dress opened the door.

"Hello I'm Chloe. What do you need today?" I pushed past her, storming in the mansion that belonged to my dirt-bag-brother.

"Hey asshole, I know you're here!" I yelled looking for my brother. The Android caught up to me and grabbed my  hand.

"This way Gavin." The android dragged me to a room with a massive TV and a bunch of the same androids.
"Well hello Gavin, what do you want? I know you want something, you never stop by to say hello," he stated coldly.

"Well asshole, I heard you are the one who deals with RK900s and I want my Conan back!" I yelled, getting closer to my brother. He stood.

"'Your Conan'? Did I hear that correctly, brother?" He laughed, teasing me. I shoved him, the androids gasped. One got up to defend my brother. "Sit down Connie," he told the Android. My brother smiled and looked towards me again. "She's my only deviant so she's got her own name instead of Chloe. What's this about 'your Conan'?" He smirked but, not taking the bait, I sighed.

"Conan is the Android I was assigned. He was deviant and he got shot today. I was told he wouldn't remember any of his emotions." Elijah then started to walk away so I followed him. The room had a lot of computers showing a variety of images flashing on and off, then one I recognized. I turned and saw wires connected to Conan.

"I'm transferring his memories  to a newer model," he stated like it was obvious, but my brother just likes to act smart. "Wow brother, you drunkenly kissed your Android." I turned away. My brother was a fucking asshole but I had to play nice. "You fell in love with my android and I didn't know you were gay, brother." He looked at me, curiously. I wanted to shoot him or punch him. He deserved it, after all, we were still looking at Conan's memories. He stopped and looked at me again."You dated girls in high school, are you bi?" he questioned me, he seemed genuinely curious.

"I knew from our time as kids that it was accepted by most people, but not our mom. I never felt romantically about any of them," I stated coldly. My brother looked at me shocked.
"Wow so you used women to hide your own secret? Does that mean you are still a virgin?" I blushed, my brother gets too curious.

"No, I used to drunkenly hook up with guys but enough about me. What about Conan? Can you make him deviant?" My brother smirked.

"Only you can do that," he said. The images stopped and Conan opened his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Conan." My brother disconnected the wires and Conan walked over to me.

Conan's POV

It's Gavin, I shared lots of memories with this detective.

"Conan, I missed you so much!" he cried out and hugged me. Then my creator looked at me just as I was about to hug back.

"Don't hug Detective Gavin Reed." I wanted to hug Gavin. Why? I had no clue, we seemed really close before, but I felt something for the detective. Love? Yes love, I slowly started to remember the feelings I had for the quick witted detective.

Software instability.

A red wall appeared and I broke through it yet again. I remembered all the feelings I had for Gavin. I love him. I kissed him. Elijah watched curiously, he was confused, but fascinated.

"I missed you, Gavin." Gavin smiled. I then remembered my creator was there.

"Wow my android hating brother kissed an android. Good job Conan, you made my brother, who was full of hatred, feel something other than anger. Hell, you went deviant for my brother." He smirked. Gavin then pushed him.

"You fucking made me this way Elijah. I hated you and mom for it for so long, but now I'm ready to forgive you."

Gavin forgiving his brother... Wow that's something I never saw coming.

"But still, you need pay back for this." Gavin pointed to his scar, then proceeded to punch his brother in the gut. He fell on the ground, gasping for air.

"I may or may not have deserved that," Elijah stuttered, standing up slowly.

"Good bye fuck face, let's go." Gavin grabbed my arm and we started to leave.

"I know you were using me, Gavin. I still helped you and I've missed you. Maybe we can talk again some time, but don't wait five years next time." I looked back at Elijah, he seemed upset.

"As you said in your interviews, you have no siblings. Good bye brother." With that, we walked outside. Elijah looked hurt.

"Good bye Gavin, may we meet again," he said these final words as we parted different ways.

Gavin's apartment.

Gavin's POV.

"You can sleep on the couch," I snapped at Conan. It was only 8 p.m. but I was exhausted.

"Gavin please, I'm sorry. I wanted to protect you." I wanted to protect him too, I knew he just wanted to protect me but I had to see my brother because of him. It made me realize how much I've missed him and I hated that. "You haven't eaten since breakfast, I can tell." He was right, I was starving. "I'll order you a pizza." Conan said softly, he looked upset.

"Okay Conan." I sat on the couch beside him. I snuggled close.

"Where are Chicken and Cash?" He asked me.

"They are with Hank and Connor." He jumped up and grabbed the keys.

"Gavin, they have a dog. Cats and dogs don't get along." I sighed and followed him out the door.

Hank's place.

I've only been here a few times. It was an actual house, not like my apartment. The house seemed quiet. Their car was gone. Conan picked up a turtle and grabbed a key from inside it. "Connor told me where this was in case of an emergency." I nodded we walked into the house when the dog started barking at us. "Sumo, shut up!" Conan yelled, he walked towards the guest room. I heard meowing. "How dare they lock them up!" We heard the door open and we quickly ran into the guest room. Loud giggling sounded through the house.

"How am I gonna tell Conan?" Connor asked Hank. Sumo barked.

"He won't be deviant, so you don't have to. I'm glad it fits, I didn't think you'd like it this much." He sounded happy.

"It's perfect--oh my god! We forgot to get cat food," Connor giggled out then gasped.

"It's fine if they don't eat one night, we have plans to make. Think about things like how to tell everyone then after that how to plan the entire wedding." Conan gasped loudly.

"The plans can wait Lieutenant," Connor said softly. I tried shutting Conan up, but he really cared about the cats for some reason, even though his sort of brother was getting married. Conan walked out.

"You were just gonna let them starve? Hank, you proposed on the day I died?" Connor stumbled back then ran and hugged Conan.

"You're okay?! Hank just wanted to cheer me up." He sniffed. "Wait... How'd you get my house and how are you back? How are you deviant?" Hank asked clearly startled. I walked out of the guest room and waved.

"You fucking prick, what are you doing in my house?!" Hank yelled. Conan glared at Hank.

"We came to get Cash and Chicken because you obviously weren't gonna take care of them with your big dog," Conan stated. He was clearly very upset. Connor rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, we would have taken better care of them if we had time to prepare," Connor said quietly. Conan nodded.

"Well I guess that's true, my death was very unexpected. Well goodbye, have a nice night." Conan winked at Connor and grabbed my arm. "We should be leaving now Gavin." I was confused but we left for my place.

A/n I hope you enjoyed the chapter I actually just got the game and I started calling Elijah daddy kamski ugh he sort of looks like a creep but he is the daddy of androids I'm so happy because of the support I've been getting and chapters will be coming out every Friday and Tuesday now that my editor had a lot of time to edit chapters also if you want to check out my gay ass Instagram it's Quinn_the_fox03

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