Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 8

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Total Drama Return To The Island
Episode 8: Splatter or Dodge This
Written by TDThomasFan725

Chris: (Voice over, recapping last episode) Last time on Total Drama, the contestants took part in our first ever Total Drama Olympics. While most performed valiantly, Sky however managed to fumble at every single event and lost her temper yet again. Guess she's not cut out for the Olympics after all. (Laughs) It was discovered that everyone knew about Topher being in love with Sky. And Dave finally managed to bring Sky down to her lowest point when he smacked her in the face. (Chuckles) OUCH! Topher was so mad that he competed against Dave in a tie breaker showdown; and won. Dave was originally voted for elimination, but was saved when Sky decided to eliminate herself out of a broken and destroyed heart. Can you say best elimination ever? (Cuts to him on the dock) I'm so glad she's gone. I hate her just as much as I hate Gwen. (Laughs evilly) Only 7 players left and we're only halfway done with the season. Who's up next for a serious boot kicking? And how will some of the others coup after the athlete's demise? Find out for yourself on Total Drama Return to the Island.

(Opening Credits)

(Cuts to outside the hotel as Dave opens the front door and inhales the morning air. He still has the black eye from yesterday and it stays throughout the whole episode.)

Dave: (To Amy, inhales) Do you smell that? That is the smell of freedom. It only took me half a season to get rid of the one that destroyed me.

Amy: I'm glad that you defeated Sky, but what are we going to do about Samey.

Dave: Hey relax babe, we'll just let her mope about Sky a little bit and see where it goes. And if she still doesn't give up, then we'll just give her a little accident that will guarantee her elimination.

Amy: (Devious) You mean; kill her!

Dave: (Stunned) Wow, I said I'm not the killing kind. I mean causing her an accident where she becomes too injured to continue. It shouldn't be too hard since she's not as strong as Sky. And both of them are not as good combined as you are alone.

Amy: (Touched) Awe Dave, this is why I love you.

Dave: So do I. (They both share a kiss)


Amy: Dave is such a smart and sweet guy. Once Samey is out of the way, we just have to deal with Brick. After that, the million is guaranteed ours. (Laughs evilly)

(Cuts to Dave's)

Dave: Yeah, getting rid of Sky felt great, but somehow I feel like that's not enough. (Gasps) I know! It felt so great, that I have to keep doing it to the others. (Excited) That's it; ruining others' lives and hurting them both emotionally and physically is what I'm met to do in life. I really should thank Chris for being such a great host and mentor in the art of torture and heartbreak.

(End Confessional)

(Cuts to Sammy tossing and turning in her lumpy bed. She then wakes up suddenly and looks around her. She couldn't believe that she was the only female left in the girls' cabin room. She holds her teddy bear tightly; still feeling very upset about Sky's elimination. She then hears Topher knocking on her cabin door.)

Sammy: Come in!

Topher: (Entering the room) Hi Sammy! Did you get any sleep last night?

Sammy: (Upset) No! I was too upset to sleep after what happened last night. It was literally the worst night of my life; especially since the night before was the best night of my life.

Topher: Yeah, I know how you feel. I couldn't sleep either. If only I could have stopped her, I would have taken her somewhere nice and quiet; away from Dave and the others. I would then wrap her in my arms and held her until I saw that pretty smile of hers again. Then we would both cuddle up to each other as we both fall asleep under the stars.

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