Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 5

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Total Drama Return To The Island
Episode 5: Night of the Artificial Dead
Written by TDThomasFan725

Chris: (Voice over, recapping last episode) Last time on Total Drama Return to the Island, the contestants returned to the original Island as they swam their way to find a treasure from the shows past. While Dave was unwelcomed by his new team before forming an alliance with Amy, Samey was welcomed by hers before running off to find Sky sleeping outside. Talk about being down and out. (Laughs) Gwen had had it with Courtney when she found the chart that ruined their friendship; (annoyed) before she was reminded of their first morning as friends. Man I hate friendships! (Calm) Brick and Dawn went to snuggle town after Dawn saw some crushed mutant gophers in the old mine before Brick comfort her. And Samey and Scarlett lost their treasures after saving Sky from Fang; which is why both of them faced elimination. But only one of them could go. And in an amazing twist, The Finishers chose who would go. And they chose Scarlett; the now reformed genius. (Cuts to him outside the hotel and cabin. Chef and some interns are carrying the sleeping contestants outside.) Samey survived two eliminations. She must be really lucky. (Laughs) What horrors await everyone today; or tonight should I say? And why are we taking everyone out of their beds? Find out tonight on Total Drama Return to the Island.

(Opening Credits)

(Cuts to Courtney running away from something that's chasing her in the forest. She is terrified and out of breath.)

Courtney: Please, stay away from me.

(She then sees Gwen in the middle of the clearing facing away and is relieved)

Courtney: (Stops running) Gwen, thank goodness I've found you.

(She reaches out to her, but is horrified when Gwen turns around looking very angry at her)

Gwen: Why should I help you after what you've done to me?

Courtney: But Gwen, I... I'm so sorry.

Gwen: I don't want your apology. I want to see you get what you really deserve. (She walks away)

Courtney: (Upset) Gwen, wait!

(The background turns red as a familiar evil laugh surrounds her. She then turns around and sees Chris holding a fire hose.)

Chris: What is today Courtney? SUNDAE!

(He sprays Courtney with a gush of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream. She wipes all the ice cream off her face as Chris continues to laugh.)

Courtney: Gwen said "deserve" not "dessert". Yuck!

Chris: Speaking of yuck. (He points up)

(Courtney then hears a bird tweeting above her. She looks up and sees a giant bird above her. She then sees the bird vomit (off-screen) as the barfs shadow gets bigger around her.)

Courtney: (Terrified as she covers herself with her arms) NO!

(Cuts to her waking up in the middle of the forest. She screams so loud that everyone else wakes up. Everyone is still in their pajamas.)


Noah: (Annoyed) We're trying to sleep here. (He then realizes that something is wrong) Wait a minute; why are we all outside?

Sammy: (Holding her blue bear) I could have sworn we all went to bed in our respected shelters.

Topher: (Terrified) Is this Chris' idea of a good night's sleep?

Dawn: Chris secretly took us out of bed and left us in the forest as part of our night time challenge.

(Everyone gasps)

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