Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 2

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Total Drama Return To The Island
Episode 2: Bad Eggs & Flags
Written by TDThomasFan725

Chris: (Voice over, recapping last episode) Last time on Total Drama Return to the Island, 16 returning cast members came back for another chance at one million dollars. Some were happy to be back (Owen, Noah, Shawn, and Max), some were not (Gwen and Courtney), one (Dave) just wanted someone else (Sky) to stay away, and one (Scarlett) was NOT supposed to be back. The contestants were divided into two teams; "The First Place Finishers" and "The Last Place Losers". Their first challenge was to build a shelter for each team, because we just didn't want to do it ourselves. (Laughs) The Finishers built a Not-So-Grand version of the old hotel while The Losers built a replica of the original cabins. Dave and Scarlett found a way to de-mutate Dakota and slow her team down, and Lightning refused to build with his team; which is why both of them were sent home, via our new mode of transport; The Boot of Shame. (Cuts to him on the dock) 14 contestants left and we have barely even started. What will their first REAL challenge be? Who will go home next? Who will get a special reward? Find out right now on Total Drama Return to the Island.

(Opening Credits)

(Cuts to outside the hotel as the camera pans in closer. Cuts to Sammy sleeping in her bed, only to be pushed out by Amy.)

Amy: (Demanding) Get up Samey! (Sammy rubs her head while holding her blue teddy bear) Make my bed, gets my clothes, and go forge my breakfast for me.

Sammy: (Annoyed) No, you make your own bed and get your own clothes. Also we live in a hotel, so we don't have to forge.

Amy: Yeah but we don't have our own butler to serve us. (Shouts) So shut your trap and do what I say. (She then yanks Sammy's blue bear out of her hands and throws it off the balcony before she leaves)

Sammy: (Shocked) NO! (She runs towards the balcony and looks over the railing, but it wasn't there)

Dawn: (Off-screen) Looking for this.

(Sammy turns around and sees Dawn holding her bear)

Sammy: (Runs over and hugs her bear) Thank you Dawn! I would be devastated if I lost this forever.

Dawn: It's no problem. I can see that it helps you be closer to someone you love that is miles away.

Sammy: You really can look into everybody's minds, or their hearts; which is probably where our auras are. And I bet that just like Brick, you would call me Sammy.

Dawn: Well it was the name your father gave you. Sorry that your sister convinced your mother to change it to Samey.

Sammy: Yeah, Mommy didn't want to do that, but whatever Amy wants, she gets. She was a little proud of me for standing up for myself, but she wished I did it in a less humiliating way.

Dawn: At least she's not cruel like Amy.

Sammy: Oh, that would have been the worst. (Starts to think about Dawn) Sorry that you won't be around your animal friends. I would have loved to see them too.

Dawn: (Surprised) You like animals too?

Sammy: I LOVE animals! They are all so cute. I really like cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, deer, and even though some people are afraid of them, I really like snakes.

Dawn: I like snakes too. I feel relaxed when they wrap me gently in their coils.

Sammy: I wouldn't mind that either; as long as the snake was raised in captivity. (Sighs) I really wanted a pet, but Amy didn't want one and Mommy said we both had to say yes if we wanted one.

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