Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 6

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Total Drama Return To The Island
Episode 6: Idol the One You Love
Written by TDThomasFan725

Chris: (Voice over, recapping last episode) Previously on Total Drama Return to the Island, the teams were in for a fright when they had to return to the campsite while avoiding a horde of killer robotic zombies. (Laughs) Killer! Noah was fed up with teaming up with Shawn and his knowledge of the zombie apocalypse. Dave and Amy started formulating a plan to get rid of Sky and Samey. Topher and the entire viewing world saw a side of Sky we never knew before. And Shawn was able to mend his and Jasmine's friendship with Sky; which led him to letting her win for the first time on the show; which led to his elimination. Hope he enjoyed Jasmine's family reunion with the little extra kick I gave him. (Cuts to him laughing on the dock) Maybe I should kick these guys even harder from now on. (Sighs in relief) We are down to just 10 contestants left. Who will triumph this time? Who will fall? And who will find love? (Smirks) Yeah right! Time for some more Total Drama Return to the Island.

(Opening Credits)

(Cuts to a close up of Sky's bare feet as she crushes some blueberries)

Sky: (To Courtney, stunned) Wow, so that's how your friendship with Gwen started, then ended, then started again, and then ended again.

(Cuts to a close up of Courtney's bare feet as she crushes some strawberries)

Courtney: Yeah! We would have stayed friends if Duncan hadn't returned.

(Cuts to both of them crushing berries)

Courtney: (Annoyed) He's one of the biggest jerks I have ever met.

Sky: (Sighs sadly) And now Dave is becoming one of the biggest jerks too. I wished I was strong enough to turn him back to his old self. I wished I could start last season all over again.

Courtney: I wished I could start World Tour all over again myself and stop Gwen and me from finding that delinquent.

Sky: Speaking of Gwen, how are things going between you two?

Courtney: (Upset) Well she did apologize for yelling at me yesterday, but I really didn't deserve it. I don't think she ever wants me as a friend ever again after all the mistakes I've made. She's also the only reason why I'm here.

Sky: She is?

Courtney: Yes! I wanted to fix things with her just like how you are trying to fix things with Dave. But unlike you, I plan to quit after things between the two of us are patched up. I don't want to pull another mistake like the one I made last year.

Sky: Huh, I didn't think that someone would just quit during a competition after accomplishing what he or she came to do.

Courtney: Well that's what I plan to do. Also, there's more to this, but it's too personal to say in front of everyone else.

Sky: (Reaches out and holds Courtney's hands) I'm sure you two will be friends again. You've been together since the shows beginning. And if things don't go the way you hoped, well, at least you have a new friend in me.

Courtney: (Smiles) Thanks Sky! (Still crushes the strawberries) You know, I thought that crushing berries with our bare feet was gross. But now, it actually feels good.

Sky: (Giggles) Yeah, it does. (Yawns) I'm sorry but I haven't slept since last night's challenge. I'm so tired that I could just lie down in this barrel of mashed blueberries and sleep in it.

Courtney: (Laughs) Some people relax and sometimes nap while having a bubble bath. But in your case, you would end up having a blueberry bath.

Sky: (Laughs) See Courtney; you're not a loser. You're kind and funny.

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