Chapter 21

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"Wait, what?" Bree's reaction was identical to the ones my news elicited from the girls the other night.

"Yeah. It's pretty unbelievable. They're nothing alike personality wise. I was definitely shocked when I first found out." I wasn't planning on telling Bree and Will Elijah's business - at least not right away - but I felt they deserved to know after Natalie was so cold and blatantly rude at dinner after the race.

"Wow. I was not expecting that." Will shook his head in astonishment.

"I thought she was acting really weird, especially towards you. She really pissed me off with those financial aid remarks." Bree scoffed as she continued to type on her laptop.

"Yeah, that really upset me. I'm sorry she made you guys uncomfortable."

"Hey, don't let her get to you. She's just a bully, and she wants to get in your head. Don't give her what she wants." Will patted my shoulder before running out on his mission to get us snacks as we continued to work on finding preliminary supporting evidence for a professor's study. Will was our designated runner. Whenever we needed anything, he was the one to rush to our aid.

"Also, don't apologize. It's not your fault. It just stinks that you have to see her again. She's not just your boyfriend's friend's girlfriend who you can avoid at all costs. Anyway, let's not give her any more attention. She doesn't deserve our time." I couldn't help but blush when she called Elijah my boyfriend. I don't think anyone's ever said it out loud before. It almost doesn't sound real.

I have a boyfriend. Eeek!

"Yeah, you're right. It's not worth the stress." The comfortable humdrum of typing and pages flipping filled the room once again.

Things were quiet and peaceful for a few more minutes before I looked up from my files to see Bree smirking to herself.

She caught me smiling at her questioningly and started to giggle and act all bubbly.

"Is everything alright?" I chuckled and dropped my pen on the paperwork laid out in front of me. After adjusting myself in my chair, so I was facing her with my chin resting in my palm and my elbow leaning on my crossed leg, I continued my line of questioning. "Bree..." My singsongy voice gave me flashbacks to one of Elizabeth and the girls' interrogations when they were trying to get every drop of "Elijah news" out of me. "It looks to me like you have something to say." A smirk was plastered on my face as I waited for her to share what was making her act so strange.

I gathered that Will's absence had something to do with her sudden change in behavior.

She looked at the door to make sure we were really alone.

"I have a question." She was looking down at her hands in her lap.

"Shoot." I had trouble fighting my wide grin.

"Do you think it would be weird if I asked Will out on a date? I know I've only really known him for a little while, but I think he's really cute and charming and sweet and nerdy and funny." She swiveled side to side in her chair as her question came tumbling out. Then, she bit her lip, awaiting my response.

"Aww! Bree, I think that's a great idea." I now wore a full-on toothy smile. "You know, I caught his arm around you at the meet last week. You guys were getting really close. I'm sure he likes you."

"Really?" Her face morphed into one of surprise as a slight redness crept onto her cheeks. I never pictured Bree as the type who blushes. She was always so confident, and the fact that she wanted to ask Will out proved that further. But I guess when it comes to crushes and romantic feelings, everyone is affected. "It's just that we work together, so I don't want things to be awkward if he doesn't like me like that after all."

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