Chapter 2

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Right after my mom drove out of sight, I stood for a minute, immediately wanting to call her for some reason. Could I be homesick already? But before I even have time to delve into my emotions, I hear Elizabeth's screams again, which can only mean one thing.

Mariana links her arm in mine and we all hurry over to the sleek black Cadillac that just pulled up to the curb. Before Elizabeth can say a word, the driver comes around from the front of the luxury SUV and opens the door for Charlotte, who takes her time stepping onto the sidewalk. Rather than providing her with the introduction Maddy and I had just received, Elizabeth was more reserved, probably shocked by the extravagance of the procedure we had all just witnessed. But Charlotte was unfazed. When she spotted us, she immediately began to squeal and skip right over to us to exchange hugs and greetings.

And now, it's just like how you would expect any group of teenage girls to act. A roar of squeals and laughter overwhelmed the six of us as we made references to Skype memories and inside jokes, like the time Lara's cat scared us all by jumping directly in front of the computer camera during one of our group chats. We begin to reminisce just like old friends that are reuniting after years apart.

What's left of my nerves and anxiety was quickly consumed by the excited energy that vibrated within me. I finally feel like I am home.


After orientation, we pick up our things from Charlotte's driver and trek to our suite.

The housing system is one of the many reasons I applied to Yale. At other schools, the small, cramped dorms line hallways, similar to an apartment building. At Yale, you are assigned roommates as well as a suite. I like this because now, I had five best friends before I had even arrived on the campus. This removes some of the pressure of starting my life here.

Elizabeth is my "actual" roommate. We decided to randomly pick the assignments before we met in person just to make life easier. Mariana is rooming with Lara and Maddy with Char. On top of this, we all get to share a common room and bathroom. In my opinion, this layout is much better than a regular dorm.

Once we beautified our rooms, we made a list of snacks and extras to put the finishing touches on our suite as we began to discuss how much we finally feel like adults.

"I cannot believe I am even here right now! It feels like a dream." As Maddy reaches over to lightly pinch Elizabeth on the arm, we burst into a fit of giggles.

Mariana adds, "Just wait until classes start!" That sobered us right away as the nerves began to flare up. Even though we are all excellent students, we know that we are in the big league now. Yale University has a grand reputation and this is the time to mentally prepare each other for the hardships of freshman year at a prestigious Ivy League university.

I already researched all that I could about Yale's undergraduate Psychology program before I even applied. I've had my career path set since I started school and I know, even if things were to change (which I know they won't), that psychology is helpful in every career.

Elizabeth wants to major in Humanities because of her broad interests in philosophy, art, literature, music, and history. Mariana plans on majoring in Spanish. Maddy is focused on Comparative Literature. Charlotte wants to double major in Political Science and Economics. Lara is still deciding between the History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health and Neuroscience. We are all definitely going to have a lot on our plates.

Elizabeth quickly chimed in before we could each get distracted by our own doubts and fears surrounding our futures. "Instead of psyching ourselves out, why don't we work on relaxing. We'll all adjust. Don't worry. We wouldn't be here if we couldn't handle it." Even though we already know this, the thought of the pressure we know we will imminently face is not comforting. "I have an idea," Elizabeth continued," let's have a girl's night. You know nails, hair, face masks..."

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