Chapter 18

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"So, do you want to go out to eat or something?" Elijah wrapped his arm around me again and pulled me close.

Rather than displaying his usual blithe charm, he seemed closed off and troubled. I could tell his intentions in asking were aimed more at trying to leave here as soon as possible, as opposed to one of his well-planned dates.

His voice was laced with something that I was all too familiar with, and his body language was making it increasingly obvious. Something, rather someone, was making him feel alienated, and he wanted distance. He was trying to detach himself from the situation.

That situation being Natalie, whose eyes were moving back and forth from me to Elijah the entire time, appraising us. Her expression was formidable and calculating, but her intentions were unreadable.

"Um, sure. I'm sure you're starving after that crazy match." I was trying to relieve the tension by keeping the conversation light and sweet.

"Oh, yeah! We should all go to this amazing pizza place. It's seriously the best." Elijah's head jerked as he looked up at Braxton, who seemed to have just picked up on his strange behavior once their eyes met.

They made eye contact and, for a brief moment, it was as if they were holding a silent conversation. Then, Elijah nodded his head slightly in agreement.

Everyone else was just talking to each other casually at that point. No one even noticed the brief instance of mind reading but me and someone else.

I cleared my throat to try and get rid of the lump that had formed from seeing Elijah so uncomfortable.

"Really? Then I guess you've never had New York pizza. If you have, then surely you don't know what you're talking about." I forced a smile as I challenged Braxton's assertion.

His eyes widened. He obviously wasn't expecting my gibe. I could tell this guy liked a challenge, so what better way to ease the tension than by inducing some friendly competition? A grin slowly spread across his lips.

"I'll tell you what. First off, don't call me Shirley." I scoffed. Oh, so he's one of those. "Secondly, you're going to try a slice of pizza from Pepe's Pizzeria and admit that it's better than any other sad excuse for a pizza that you've had before." He had his arms crossed as he bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. He's a cocky one.

His challenge grasped everyone's attention.

"Oh yeah? And what if it doesn't even compare?" I glanced over at Elijah and he was slightly smirking, giving me a look like I didn't know what I was getting myself into. This is exactly what I'd hoped for. A distraction. But I'll definitely get back to whatever just happened with Elijah later.

"That won't happen. But, if by some stretch of the imagination you think it's not as good, I'll award you the title of being a better pizza expert than me. If I win, you have to do the same."

Of course, this is all about ego. But, after all, it is a silly competition in the first place.

"I can think of a better consequence." My eyes darted to Natalie, who was wearing a smirk of her own, yet it was far more menacing than the playful ones plastered on everyone else's faces.

"No, I like my terms, Babe." His eyes were glued to mine and there was a fire behind them. "I already know I'm the pizza expert, but it would be nice to win the title fair and square." What is this guy, five?

Natalie just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before resuming her glare session aimed at Elijah and me.

The girls, along with Will and Bree, were snickering to my left. Elijah's friend, Sean, was also trying to suppress his laughter on our right.

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