Chapter 15

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Elijah walked me home after we cleaned up. He murmured a sweet goodbye, picnic basket in hand, after placing a chaste kiss on my cheek, which made me shiver and blush profusely.

Losing the feeling of his fingers interlocked with my own was bittersweet. I didn't like when we parted ways, but it marked the moment I could start to daydream about being with him again!

He made sure I was inside before he began the walk to his dorm with a swing in his step. I smiled as I peeked through the door and watched him go.

I always felt dreamy and airy after being with Elijah. As much as I never wanted to see him go, the idea of him springing more of his well-planned surprise outings on me in the future made my heart soar.

This time though, I had solid plans to look forward to! Elijah's meet was in three days. His team is competing against Yale's biggest, and oldest, rival, so it's going to be a significant game. He has a lot of team activities scheduled beforehand, so I won't be seeing much of him outside of class until after the races.

He is the captain, after all. I'm not too upset about it. I like that he's so passionate about his sport and his team. Also, it will give me more time to fit in appointments without having to worry about giving Elijah excuses.

I would feel so guilty if I had to decline a date with Elijah and lie to him about why I couldn't attend. He puts so much thought and effort into surprising me with sweet gestures. I already feel guilty about keeping my secret from him, but I don't want to screw everything up.

"Gah! Just stop thinking about it, Sara!" I whisper-yelled at myself in the hallway. "I must look like a crazy person." As I shook my head at myself, the door swung open and out popped Elizabeth's head. Speaking of crazy people...

"Guys! She's back!" I heard thumping and I could picture the girls scrambling on top of each other to get to the door.

I shook my head and chuckled to myself as I walked from the main entrance. Next thing I knew, I was dragged to the couch with expectant eyes surrounding me. The girls looked like they were about to jump out of their skin. This is the same routine after I see Elijah.

Every. Single. Time.

Don't these girls ever have homework?

"So... Where did he take you? What was the surprise?" Maddy had her chin resting on her palm as she sat on the floor with her elbow leaning on the coffee table.

"It was a picnic under a weeping blossom tree." I smirked as the girls all feigned swoons at the same time.

Do they rehearse this or something?

"Where can I find an Elijah?" Lara sighed and stared off into space dreamily.

"Yeah, we need to go to the Science Building so the labs can hook us up with some cloning equipment! I'm sure it will interest some chemistry students looking for research hours!" Elizabeth seemed serious, but I knew there was no way that could be the case. Or am I just underestimating her deranged genius brain?

Maddy snorted. "Yeah! That would make a great thesis topic!" She was trying to talk between laughter.

Elizabeth just looked at me with a maniacal grin. "I'm sure Sara could get us a DNA sample. Possibly some of that plush hair of his. You have a good excuse and everything! 'Oh, Elijah! Just let me give you a little trim!'" She spoke in a high-pitched voice as she pretended to clip Mariana's hair with invisible scissors.

We all gasped for breath. 

While we were on the subject of Elijah, and before Elizabeth could completely phase into a mad scientist, I decided it was the right time to share the news with them.

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