Chapter 4

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I'm back, bitches!!

I'm gonna start having a "Song of the Chapter", so yay!! I'm also not gonna name the chapters, unless someone gives me a damn good name. If I'm cursing a lot in my writing, it's because it's friggin hot, and I'm too sleepy right now... So yeah! On with the show!

Song of the Chapter- Glad You Came by The Wanted. :))

Zoey's POV

Oh my fraking god, the party was AWESOME! All the waiters made me giggle and flirt, and there was this one waiter who kept passing our table.

Kiara hit me, and giggled. "Why do you hate me? Why? Whatever did I do to you?"

"I did nothing of the sort. I just alerted you of a hot guy's presence."

I should explain. The really hot water had stopped at our table, and asked Kiara for her number. I was sitting next to her, and when that happened, I choked and grabbed Kiki's leg beneath the table. Really hard.

Of course, she flipped out in her own way by accidentally spazzing, and she ended up flipping her fork in the air, which fell on the floor after its acrobatics. Tee hee hee!

Andrew was just kinda awkward, and sat there while Lexi had her hands all over him. Lovely.

Well, I gotta go. Xoxo, Zoey

I closed my journal and sighed. Man, was I full from Buca. I was the only one to eat a quarter-pound meatball. But it was a damn good meatball!

Standing up, I stretched and looked at the clock. 1:40 AM. Shit. I had school tomorrow.

1st day of junior year! Woo hoo! Note the sarcasm.

3 APs. Cross country. Cello. Jazz. Non-existent love life. Straight A's. But at least I'd have Evanescence to keep me sane.

I tiptoed across my family room, and to the bathroom. Grabbing my retainers, I slid them in and moaned from the pressure I felt. That hurt, since I hadn't been wearing them for about a week. I'm so stupid.

Im my room, I pulled out my outfit for tomorrow, not bothering to look at Lexi's side of the closet. She'd kill me if I took anything of her's without asking.

Black bra with skulls-check. Checkerboard undies-check. Black leggings-check. Green flowered top-check. Black leather heeled boots-check. Hey, don't blame me. I wanted to look good, and come hell or high water, I would do it!

Time to sleep. Think of pi. Think of ducks. Think of Nathan from The Wanted and Harry Styles from One Direction. Think of The Big Bang Theory, the show and the real thing. Yes, I believe in the big bang. Big shocker since I'm such a nerd.


"Zoey! Get your ass up! School!"

Damn. Lexi's up. And she's gonna look perfect, like always. Even when she just woke up, she looked good.

I didn't reply, so I just kinda fell out of my loft bed. Stumbling over Lexi's makeup on the floor, I made my way to the mirror.

Ick. Tangled blonde hair, sleep in my eyes, and morning halitosis.

"Morning vocal test, vocal test. Second vocal test, second vocal test. Body diagnostic- blood on leg. What?!"

Oh, kill me now. On the first day, only I get my period. Shit. And I'm wearing Lexi's shorts and undies. Frak. She's gonna kill me. Frak my life. Frakkity frak frak frak frak frak.

Grabbing my granny panties, just for this time of the month, I winced my way to the bathroom, clutching the panties and a tampon.

Sitting on the porcelain throne, I took a washcloth and cleaned my leg up. After that, well... You can guess what a girl does with a tampon when she's on her period.

Going back into my room, I changed, and clicked my way to the dining room. Sitting down, I saw Mommy had made eggs with bacon and kale. Yum! I needed the kale for iron.

"BAZINGA!" Yelled a voice next to me.

I flew out of my chair and landed awkwardly on my ass. Very funny, Dad. Make me bruise my ass. That's nice.

"Dad! Really? I can't wake up normally for once? Really?" I screamed, in pain.

"Eek, I'm sorry bun. Are you okay? You're kinda crabby."

Lexi snorted. "Of course she's not okay. She's on her period. And Zoey, I can guess you were wearing my panties and shorts, and you got your menstrual fluid on them. Just clean it, and it's all okay."

I blushed. She just had to say that at the table, didn't she.

Ouch. Cramp. That's nice. Oh no. It's not one of those little cramps, it's one where I can't walk. Last time I had that happen, my friend Brittany had to help me to the nurse at school. And she had to half drag, half carry me to the office.

Grabbing a Tylenol Lexi gave me, I quickly swallowed it without washing it down. I also shoved food in my mouth while saying thank you, so I ended up spitting it out on my bird, who was running around on the table, eating food off of our plates

"Eek. Sorry, Snick. Didn't mean it."

Snick, (real name Snickerdoodle), just chirped and shook herself off.

I jumped up from the table, and made to leave, when my mom stopped me.

"You know, Zeke, you haven't learned your SAT word of the day yet. Get the card." My mom chided.

Groaning, I picked up the small ceramic loaf of bread that contained little cards of SAT words. Grabbing one, I read it out loud.

"Schadenfreude. Language of origin, German. Means to take pleasure in someone else's pain." I already knew that. I'd learned that word last year.

Dropping the card like it burned me, I jogged to my room and grabbed my red Kipling messenger bag.

Lexi was already waiting for me by our front door. We walked to shook every day, seeing high school was across the way from home.

Time for school. Woo hoo!


Here it is! School's gonna start for me and Zoey! Gonna b a sophomore! 3 APs, cross country, cello, jazz, half-existent love life. Gonna have fun with my sonic screwdriver that's actually a pen, along with my TARDIS cookie jar. :) nerds 4eva!

Gotta go! Xoxo Zoey

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