Ch11 ............ L

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Ryan stares at me. The air is charged with electricity. It's as if I were in the docks.

(That's just great...)

I speak to Ryan.

T:"You don't believe me, do you?"

I glare at him. Seething with anger.

R:"I've a hard time keeping up with you! Someone leaves idiotic comments on your blog and you think it's my sister?"

T:"I don't think so, I'm sure of it !"

T:"I have proof, Ryan !"

R:"Proof...? What proof?"

T:"I ... I have a friend who traced the IP address of this Persphone and it's Jenny's address that came out."

R:"A friend, what friend?"

I remain silent, Impossible to involve Colin. I'm caught off guard.

R:"Tayla, you're accusing my sister of playing childish games!"

Clearly, Ryan is disgusted with the way things are turning out. I know he would have preferred things to be different but I don't like the tone he's taking.

T:"Do you think it makes me happy?!"

Ryan sighs and pinches the edge of his nose. Jenny doesn't say a word. She's right, we're doing enough damage ourselves, without her adding to it!

R:"Quite honestly I don't know what your problem is, but don't get paranoid about Jenny!"

(Oh? I'm paranoid now, am I?)

T:"I don't have a problem with her, she's got one with me!"

(She's playing a double game.)

T:"From the beginning, she's been two faced. Smiling when you're around and being obnoxious when I'm alone with her!"


Jenny huffs and puts on a sad face. Ryan looks at me hard.

R:"Ok, you're going too far ..."

(I'm just telling the truth!)

T:"I'm not going too far, Ryan, and as incredible as it may seem, your sister absolutely does not approve of our relationship, and she has proved it with Persephone!"

R:"Stop that, You know very well, it could be anyone!"The whole New York knows about us""

T:"Ryan, my blog is anonymous, and Jenny had connected it to me before I'd even spoken to her about it!"

R:"No one is really anonymous on the web, Tayla ..."

Is he aware of how contradictory his words are? In a rage, I jump up and grab my things!

T:"You know what, you want to believe her and not me, it's your choice, and I'm choosing to get the hell out of here."

(I throw a comment at Jenny.)

I turn to Jenny.

T:"So, are you happy now?"

Jenny is speechless but in any case, it wasn't a question. Everyone's staring at us.

R:"Tayla ... You're making a scene."

T:"I don't care! And stop preaching at me I'm not a kid !!"

I show a clean pair heels and rush to the exit my feet slamming across the floor. Ok, it's a bit dramatic but I'm suffocating!

Ryan quickly joins me, but I pretend not to care.

R:"Tayla, calm down and come back inside."

T:"No, Ryan, I've had enough. One, your sister aggresses me, and two you think I'm behaving like a spoilt brat, which by the way, I'm not!"

R:"Stop it, Jenny has nothing against you!"

T:"That's not true Ryan, how the hell can I get you to believe me?"

Ryan takes a step away from me. I sense he's completely confused.

R:"I don't understand why you're getting yourself into such a state ..."

T:"Oh, I don't know ... Perhaps, it's got something to do with the fact that up until not long ago I thought I was pregnant and on top of that I have to pretend everything's fine with someone who hates the sight of me!"

R:"If you needed more time, all you had to do was say."

T:"I tried Ryan, but once again you didn't want to see it."

He lets his arms fall. A meaningful gesture. He looks like he's throwing in the towel.

R:"Okay, it wasn't the right moment for the meal. I'm sorry, but as for Jenny ... you're completely off the mark."

T:"Your sister has a serious problem, she's too involved with your life, Ryan!"

T:"I was willing to give her time of if she gives me the opportunity to. Your sister is too possessive."

R:"I told you, you know why there's this connection between us."

T:"Yes, I know all that Ryan ... and believe me, it pains me too, when I think about what she's been through."

T:"I can think of all manner of excuses for her behaviour but I won't forgive her lies, let alone the fact that you don't believe me."

R:"Well ... It seems like we're just going round in circles ..."

Ryan obviously has had enough. Me, too for that matter.

I stare at him for a moment, hoping that he'll take a step towards me, but nothing happens. My heart breaks, I hail a taxi without further delay.

Without a look at him, I jump into the yellow cab and slam the door.

I give my address to the taxi driver in a trembling voice before bursting into tears!
It doesn't seem to bother him much. He's probably seen it all before...

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