Ch11 ........ H

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Ryan left to work earlier than I did this morning. He had a meeting at the other end of town.

I head towards Carter Corporation, a strange feeling in my heart. Yesterday was so surreal.

(I'm finding it hard to get over it.)

I sigh, as my heels beat the floor. I'm a fighter, I won't let myself go!

I'll get over it.

Ryan and I are embarking on a great adventure. I must only have that in mind!

When I arrive, in front of the large glass doors, I see Jake typing something on his mobile, carelessly leaning against his Limousine.

(Obviously, Ryan's appointment was shorter than expected ...)

He hasn't noticed me. His face seems relaxed as if nothing had happened ...

My heart starts beating fast. I haven't seen him for a while. In fact, we haven't spoken since the evening of the accident.

How to strike up a conversation...? The last time we spoke it was really tense between us and I haven't had the opportunity yet to apologise.

I walk towards him.

I feel so guilty, and I so regret my words, that I'm suddenly all shy.

I approach him slowly, for fear of disturbing him.

T:"Hi, Jake... "

Jake:"Hi Tayla."

His tone is neutral. Neither familiar nor aggressive. Jake is sometimes difficult to understand. I suppose that's also part of his job.

T:"I ... How are you?"

He slips his phone into his jacket pocket and gives me a smile.

Jake:"Fine, and you? You seem better..."

T:"Yes ... I'm relieved that the whole thing is behind us ... For a moment I wondered how far it could go ..."

Jake:"I understand."

Jake gazes for a moment at the passers-by. He takes out his packet of cigarettes and catches one with the tip of his lips.

I fiddle with the handle of my bag, feeling uncomfortable, like a guilty student in front of her teacher.

T:"Listen, Jake ... About what I said to you the night of the accident... I'm sorry."

Jake:"Don't worry, It's fine."

(I insist.)

T:"No, it's not fine, I behaved like a real bitch, I should never have talked to you like I did."

Jake puffs on his cigarette. His lively eyes come to rest on me as he breathes the smoke out.

Jake:"You can set your mind at ease, I'm not mad at you. I'm used to being misjudged."

Jake:"It must come from my past that I can't shake off, it's intrinsic."

His words break my heart. I know that that evening I went too far. I probably lost his trust and his esteem.

And I'm not sure that Jake is a man to forgive easily.

T:"Yes, you're right, I misjudged you."

He looks at me, silent.

T:"It's the situation that completely messed my mind up... I mean ... I went through crazy things."

T:"I almost took a bullet and got run over in no time at all... In comparison to my usual quite world, it's almost like science fiction."

T:"I got scared and ... the fear made me say things that weren't true..."

(I'm truly sorry.)

T:"I'm really sorry, Jake ..."

T:"My words went beyond my thoughts. I don't know what came over me ... I think all the lastest events were too much to take in."

T:"I cracked and you took the brunt ..."

T:"I can't ask you to forgive me but I just wanted to tell you how much I regret what I said."

T:"I'd understand if you no longer wanted to talk to me or see me."

Jake sighs softly.

Jake:"I think we were all under a lot of pressure..."

(Thank him for having been there.)

T:"I didn't thank you ... So thank you, Jake, for saving me that night. If it weren't for you, that car would probably have hit me."

Jake:"I was only doing my job."

T:"No, you put yourself in danger to save my life."

Jake:"That's what I learned to do, Tayla."

It's obvious that patching things up is going to be difficult, if not impossible. My heart sinks.

At the same time, what did I expect? A pat on the shoulder, a beer and everything's forgotten?

No, not with Jake. I hit hard where it hurts. How can we piece things back together again?

Jake:"Sorry, but I have to go. I have an appointment to fetch for Carter."

T:"Oh... Er yes! Of course! I won't hold you any longer, thanks for listening ..."

He waves at me before rushing into the Limousine.

I watch him as he goes, sheepishly ...

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