Ch11 ........... K

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I turn to Ryan who's drinking a sip of champagne.

T:"It seems as if Jenny isn't taking the news very well ..."

He puts his glass down and looks at me with an innocent expression on his face almost surprised.

R:"What makes you say that?"

He's not going to make me believe he hasn't noticed anything!

(Tell him!)

T:"Don't you see? She seemed uncomfortable! And, in a big hurry to go to the ladies all of sudden!"

This time he leans his head a little and looks at me his eyes filled with kindness.

R:"Don't worry ... Jenny's always worried about my decisions in love, but I'm sure she knows that with you, it's different."

R:"Leave her a little time and I'm sure she'll be very happy for us..."

(Well well well...)

T:"You don't want to face the truth, Ryan. Your sister doesn't like me."


I sigh crossing my hands over my chest, like a sulky child.

It's unfair, I have the unpleasant feeling of getting the evil sister-in-law role...

When Jenny comes back, I'm steaming. If she drips with hypocrisy, I swear I won't be able to contain myself!

She elegantly sits back down and gives us a forced smile. For my part, I don't utter a word.

T:"Please excuse me, I have a call to make."

The excuse is rotten but I can't bear sitting another minute at their table.

I feel Ryan's inquiring gaze on me. I'd like to say that I, too, need time to put up with his sister!

I glare back at him before walking away towards the exit.

                            ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Outside, the evening air is soothing ... As if I could breathe again and find a little serenity.

I know that the last thing I need is to make a scene or get upset. I'd look like the drama queen making a fuss about nothing.

Goddammit! Some things are unbearable!

I take a deep breath and lean against the wall for a moment. I watch the flow of cars passing by.

I wonder if our relationship will one day follow course without any problems ... I don't want to have to fight against Jenny. I don't want to have to fight altogether. I'm tired of it.

I cast a glance inside and see Ryan in conversation with his sister. She seems much more relaxed.

I'm sure she's acting all concerned: "Is Tayla alright? She doesn't look well..."

Or she's bitching about me, making the most of my absence... I know that by behaving like this, I leave the field clear for her.

T:"Right... Let's go."

I cheer myself on aloud before going back into the restaurant

                                ◇ ◇ ◇

I walk back to the table and sit quietly down in my place smiling at Ryan.

The server interrupts us.

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