Ch11 ......... I

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I pass by Lisa at reception. She doesn't just greet me with a wave, she takes her headset off and gets up to join me.


T:"Hi, Lisa!"

Lisa:"How are you, sweetie?"

T:"I'm okay ... Yesterday was ... complicated."

Lisa:"I bet it was! I thought about you all day!"

Lisa looks around, worried.

She grabs my arm and takes me a little to the side, so to not be overheard.

Lisa:"Did you talk to Ryan about it?!"

(We have no secrets.)

T:"Yes, we don't keep any secrets from each other, if we want it to work, we have to be sincere."

T:"He came by to fetch me, I told him when we were walking in the middle of the forest...  So we came home and waited for the results at mine."

Lisa:"And how did he take it? I mean, when you told him for the test?"

T:"Not so well ... But we talked a lot about it. We were both frightened."

Lisa stays thoughtful for a moment.

Lisa:"Mmh ... On the other hand, you didn't really want this pregnancy, did you?"

We both wait for someone, who has decided to wait for a colleague near us, to leave. It must be said that my friend looks at him in a very unfriendly way.

The kind of look that means: "Can't you see that you're bothering us?"

The guy quickly looks at his feet, all embarrassed, and takes a few steps away from us. Lisa turns back to me and plunges her azure coloured eyes into mine.

T:"No, I didn't want it, but ... I'm not really sure... It's as if deep inside me, I would have liked for this to happen ... And at the same time no ...Anyway ... It all went so fast that I feel very odd today..."

Lisa:"Its normal ... I think that in your place, I would have gone berserk!!"

T:"Well, I very nearly did..."

Lisa:"Anyway, I have to get back to my post, otherwise my boss will notice... Do you want us to eat together at lunchtime?"

T:"Why not! I'll let you know!"

My friend smiles at me and quickly gets back to her desk. I see Lydia looking at me as she speaks to Lisa.

But, unluckily for her, my friend is as quiet as a grave. That little chatterbox will never know anything about our conversation.

I chuckle to myself. It's a piece of information that could have made her year!!

The big boss got his executive assistant pregnant, first-rate gossip!


In the elevator, I arrange my hair whilst looking at myself in its mirror.

I like what I see. I feel like I've changed. Like I'm more sure of myself, more accomplished. Nothing like the girl I was a few months ago.

I adjust my skirt and blouse as the doors open. Today is going to be a good day!

I cross the hall, holding my head high, before the secretary's listless face.

(Well, seems like I'm not the only one to have had a bad weekend...)

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