Chapter 10, Part 1

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             "What did you do?" Tina said nonchalantly, as if me busting into our break room was completely normal. I made an incoherent screeching noise and brewed myself a coffee. She sipped her coffee, and rolled her eyes at me.  I screeched again. "Okay, chill out. What did you do?" I took a deep breath, and poured the coffee in the mug that Hank got me for my birthday. It says "#1 Asshole." I took a large swig of the scalding coffee and set it down heavily on the table, sitting in the seat next to her.

  "Ikissedthetinman'scheekafterhegotmethiscamera!" I quickly exclaimed in one breath. I waved the camera that managed to stay glued to my hand through the whole ordeal. I set it gingerly on the table, away from the coffees. 

  "Tin man, huh? You mean RK900, right? Not Connor?" I nodded in response, my face as furiously red as when I kissed him. "You hate androids. Why him?" I looked out into the precinct tediously, as if he were out there, listening to me. 

   "I don't know, Tina. He's different. And I know that sounds like all fanfiction and shit, but like, really." 

  "You're swooning," she teased, taking another sip of her coffee. 

 "He's an absolute asshole," I grumbled, tracing my finger over the rim of my cup. "But he's a sweet asshole."

  " A 'sweet' asshole who put you in a wrist brace?" She nodded to the brace on my arm.   

     "Well, he also gave me this camera," I said, pointing to it. "And his jacket," I mumbled. Tina elbowed me in the ribs as the tin can of the hour walked into the break room slowly. 

  "Detective Reed? You left some of your things on the roof." He held out the wrapping paper, the camera box, the boxes of film, but no sign of the picture. He seemed completely unfazed by the rooftop incident. I leaned down and gently slammed my head on the small table, wrapping my arms around my head. Tina gently put her arm around my shoulders. 

   "Gavin.exe has stopped working. Try again later." 

      "Have you tried turning it on and off again?" He bantered in response. 

  "Nah, I haven't. Do you want to try?" The tin can walked over to me, and patted me on the head. I screeched again in response, 

    "Uh, um-okay then. Detective, I'll just place these on you desk." I heard him leave, and then I hit my head on the table again. I downed the rest of my coffee, and Tina put a hand on my shoulder. 

   "Well that went smoothly," I mumbled, pressing my face into my hands. 

   "Don't sweat it. My break's over, stay in here and grow mushrooms if you want. But I recommend you get back to work." She got up from her seat. "Want me to take that back to your desk for you?" She gestured to my camera. I nodded. 

   "You're the best!" I called out after her as she left the break room. 

      "I know." 

   *Timeskip brought to you by Tina Cheng. I absolutely love her.*

        I spent the rest of my shift awkwardly filing virtual papers, and taking the occasional notes. I often complained under my breath. I also yelled at RK900 quite a bit. Mostly for coffee. god, I needed a lot of coffee. Finally, as I called for my last coffee of the shift, he snapped. 

   "Get me a coffee, dipshit!" I yelled at him, my voice dipping at the end of the sentence. He didn't respond, and continued to do whatever he was doing. I couldn't be bothered to even look at him. "I said, get me a phcking coffee!" The overglorified fruit jucier still didn't respond.

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