Chapter 4

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The toaster had worked on my arm for an hour. I tried to stay awake, only the embarrassment of falling asleep under the talking coffee machine keeping me awake. I hadn't gotten much, if any sleep that night, or the night before, or the night before that. I couldn't remember the last time that I had slept well. The android remained silent through his work, but his body hummed the low hum of a working computer.

He was very warm. Especially his thighs, which I was between. I got cold very easily, so I didn't completely hate it.

"D'ya always make that sound?" I whined.

"What sound?" He murmured back, his voice low and concentrated. Did the tin can that said he wouldn't care if I died sound concentrated on fixing me?

Damn, I over think things.

I rested my good hand on one of his fabulous thighs. He didn't acknowledge it, so I rubbed my thumb in small circles.

"What sound do I make, Detective?"

"Like a computer. Y'know that low hum that a working computer makes? You sound like that."

"I apologize, Detective. You must be annoyed by it."

I patted his thigh gently, and that's what made him waver, just a little.

"It's fine, toaster. It's actually kind of nice." My voice was laced thickly with sleep. He smiled slightly and kept working.

"Detective, I am detecting that you have low levels of rest. Please take advantage of your incapacitated state to sleep."

"You better not phckinn tell anyone that I fell asleep underneath your shitty robot ass."

I let my eyes fall closed.

"That is understood, Detective. Now get some sleep."

I sighed deeply and fell into a deep sleep.


I had worked for an hour on Reed's arm before I stopped to scan him.

Name: Gavin Reed
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Weight: 176 lbs.
Important Dates: 8/26/2009, 10/03/2039
Health Concerns: Alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, caffeine addiction, frequent exhaustion due to lack of sleep

I stared in awe at the Important Dates and Health Concerns. Today is 10/03. Why would today be an important day? I made a mental note. Ask Gavin about important dates. He had such bad health, it was a miracle he was still alive. I made another mental note. Help Detective Reed with his addictions and sleep problem.

"D'ya always make that sound?" He whined.

"What sound?" I murmured back, still staring at all his health concerns.

"What sound do I make, Detective?"

"Like a computer. Y'know that low hum a computer makes? You sound like that."

He patted my thigh gently. When did he put his hand on my thigh?! I shook my head, scattering the letters.

"I apologize, Detective, you must be annoyed by it."

"It's fine, toaster, it's actually kind of nice." His voice was heavy with sleep. I turned my head so he couldn't see, and smiled calmly. Now, I would address his sleep problem.

"Detective Reed, I am detecting you have low levels of rest. Take advantage of your incapacitated state to sleep."

"You better not phckinn tell anyone I fell asleep under your shitty robot ass." He closed his eyes, and I smirked victoriously.

"That is understood, Detective. Now get some sleep." He fell asleep almost immediately after letting out a deep sigh. I shook my head and got back to work.

Moments later, I got a mind text from Connor.

Connor: hey dad wants you home by seven its movie night
Nines: No can do. I'm going to be stuck here for at least another four hours. 
Connor: But it's already four-thirty
Nines: Start without me. 
Connor: :(
Nines: Turn that frown upside-down.
Connor: ): 
Nines: I hate you. 
Connor: love you too little brother

I blinked away Connor's messages.

*Timeskip brought to you by Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife*

I finished pulling the glass out of his arm right on time. His face when he slept actually was very cute. His eyebrows were unfurrowed for once, leaving him looking actually happy for once. He had a peaceful expression on his face, he looked much more attractive. His lips were slightly parted, and every once in a while he would slightly pucker them. A thin line of drool leaked out of the corner of his mouth.

Gavin snored. He snored very loud, and it vibrated me ever so slightly. I climbed off of him, and he gave a high whine and shivered. I kneeled next to his arm and gently swabbed it with an antiseptic(eye). His peaceful expression contorted into one of pain, and he whimpered. He pouted.

"I know, but the wound is infected, and you're gonna be in a lot of pain if I don't clean it."

He groaned a little, but his face settled back into the peaceful expression that I liked. He puckered his lips again. I ran my fingers through his hair and swabbed his wound again. He didn't respond to that, so I took it as a good sign. I gently wrapped his arms in the ACE bandage.

He shivered again, and I noticed his body temperature dropping. He certainly had a problem with his body heat. I draped my jacket over him, as my jacket is designed to help regulate body heat. It helps to make sure my system heat isn't too high or too low. Gavin immediately snuggled into the jacket, shoving his face into it. He curled his body into it, my large jacket covering his entire figure.

I turned to leave, but leaving him on the couch seemed... Wrong. I picked him up bridal style, and slowly walked him to his room. He muttered something in his sleep and gently beat his fist against my chest. Pumpkin was asleep in the middle of the bed. I used one hand to move the sleeping cat away from the middle and set Gavin down gently next to him.

I smiled at him, resting my hand on his shoulder briefly.

"Goodnight, Detective Reed. 

Shout out to jorja_kh / jorjadevotee for drawing the amazing fan art at the beginning of the chapter. Since this goes up tonight, user72994052 will not lock me in their basement and handcuff me to a laptop to write for the rest of time.


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