Chapter 3

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I had trouble keeping my eyes open during the car ride. The soothing purr of the engine and how Nines had tried to avoid speed bumps and pot holes calmed me. We had gotten over the awkward air, and settled into a comfortable, sleepy silence.

I had just shut my eyes when he had pulled into my driveway. Nines pulled out the key, and got out of the car. I was still 'resting my eyes.' It was quiet, and I let out a small sigh when my door was jerked open, and I fell out of the car.

"Wakey wakey, sunshine," he said as I fell face first into the dirt.

"You're a shit alarm clock," I replied, getting up and dusting myself off. He winked and tossed me my keys. I stomped off to my front door.

I fumbled with the keys. Did the phcking bot wink at me? I felt him stand behind me, and I struggled with my house key even more.

"Do you need help?" He said into my ear, rather suavely. I stuck my key into the lock.

RK900'S P.O.V.

As soon as Detective Reed opened the door and stepped inside, his feet were swarmed with balls of fur in varying degrees of size. Reed reached down to stroke them, and I gently picked up a large, orange cat with stripes of lighter orange across it's back. The cat leaped from my arms, and onto my shoulder. I reached up with my opposite hand to stroke it, and it shoved its head into the palm of my hand.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing with Pumpkin?" He pouted, taking the cat from my shoulder. He winced under the cat's weight, his grip wavering.

"Detective, it is imperative that you let me care for your wound. You could get fatally ill from the infection in the injury, and the more you use your arm, the further the glass will burrow in. There is a 43% chance of success if you let me care for it now." Reed put down the cat and sighed.

"Okay, dipshit. Make me a coffee so I can stay awake for this shit." I rolled my eyes at him but complied. He went off somewhere, and I analyzed his home. It was surprisingly neat and cozy, with a thin layer of cat hair over everything. I only saw four, but there were five types of hair. The air was relatively clean, with hints of lemon and cigarette smoke.

"What are you staring at, tin can?"

"Your home is immaculately clean," I mused.

"So? What's it to you?" He shot back, from a room in the back of his house.

"I thought it would be messier, dirtier, and much more filled with beer cans and cigarette butts. You know, a home to match your personality."

"Phck off. Get going on my coffee."

I walked into the kitchen and began to brew him the blackest cup of coffee possible.

**(Timeskip brought to you by Gavin Reed being a tsundere)**

Reed walked in the moment I got out a black mug to pour his matching black coffee in. I had also slipped in some salt, pepper, and some other delightfully nasty things. I artfully poured him a cup.

"Here's your coffee, Detective," I said pleasantly, handing him the cup.

"Thanks," he said, accepting it gratefully. He was so cute, I almost regret making his coffee so shitty. He took a large sip of the coffee, before spitting it all back out onto my chest.

"Damn, if you wanted to see me in a wet shirt, you could have just asked," I flirted.

"What the phck did you put in my coffee?"

"Sugar, spice, and everything nice."

"You little shit, I hope you haven't poisoned me. I'd order you to make me another one, but I'm going to die if you don't get this glass out of my arm.


I went and laid down on my couch. My arm was outstretched on the coffee table that I had pulled close to the couch. I was laying on my back. Even with my short legs stretched out, I couldn't touch the other armrest of the couch. Nines washed and gloved his hands, and then looked at my position on the couch.

"This is not an optimal working position," he stated, snapping his glove. I began ~rest~ my eyes again.

"Deal with it, you fucking bot. I'm comfy," I grumbled, shifting ever so slightly.

"Flip on to your stomach?" He tried asking, but I wouldn't budge.

"Didn't you hear me before? I said I'm comfortable." Without a moment's hesitation, he flipped me onto my stomach. I mumbled in annoyance, but I was too tired to do anything about it. The toaster climbed on my hip, straddling me with ease. An extremely intense, deep red blush bloomed across my face.

"Detective Reed, your heart rate has increased by 25%. Are you alright?"

"WHY ARE YOU ON TOP OF ME?!?" I yelled so loudly that I startled Pants right out of my clean laundry. I could feel the smirk radiating off of the plastic prick's face. He leaned down to my ear, pressing his whole crotch into my ass.

"This is the optimal working position," he purred. I screeched again. "Alright, alright. Let's get to work then." I would have smacked him in the face if he weren't directly on top of me. He maneuvered to my arm, remaining impeccable balance. He took five minutes to pull out one piece of glass. I loudly moaned out in pain. He sighed heavily before dropping it into the container.

"At this rate, it will take me four and a half hours to remove all of the glass from your arm, and then an added half an hour to clean and bandage the wound."

I complained loudly in protest. "Aw, man! I have to deal with your heavy ass sitting on top of me for five phcking hours?!" Despite what I said, Nines was actually quite the lightweight android.

"Would you rather die from the severity of the infection of your wound?"


I kept my promise, didn't I?


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