The Great Escape

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Nell slumped to the floor as soon as she was thrown in a cell. She didn't see the point of fighting anymore, it wasn't going to do her any good. The elves had taken her weapons, leaving her completely defenseless. With a heavy sigh she leaned her head back against the wall. “At least in here Azog can't get us,” she whispered to herself. She was having a hard time finding the good in everything they had been through, but she was trying. Nell knew that even in the darkest hour, well nothing seems possible, all options seem to be taken from you, the end is near, and there is no chance of things getting better. That was when you needed to fight the hardest. So she clung to the smallest fraction of hope she had that they would survive this and manage to escape.

“Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything in my trousers,” she heard Kili say. Her head snapped up and she looked out of the cell bars to see him talking to Tauriel. A huff left her as she rolled her eyes. Figures he would be talking to that pretty elf, she thought as she crossed her arms.

“Or nothing,” Tauriel replied.

“Don't worry about him. You know the young lad is bad for saying things without thinking.” Nell looked up and noticed Balin was in the cell with her. Her lips quirked up in a sad sort of smile. After all how could she be happy, when one of her husbands was flirting with someone else? She just didn't understand why he was acting this way. Was he tired of sharing her with his brother? Did he want a love all his own? All these thoughts pained her and she didn't say a word in return. Nell knew if she did her voice would break, her unshed tears would fall, and everyone would know just how small and insignificant she felt in that very moment.

Closing her eyes Nell decided to try and get some sleep. When she woke up she caught the tail end of a conversation Kili was having with Tauriel. Something about a blood moon and how beautiful it was. A small sigh left her at the memory. It had been a beautiful night and when they saw the bright red moon the three of them had stopped to admire it despite the fact they were part of an escort. Her, Fili, and Kili talked about how it was the embodiment of love, beautiful, bright, and everlasting. And now Kili was sharing the story with someone else. “Just break your wife's heart why don't ya. It's not like I don't have feelings or anything,” she grumbled.

The only thing Nell wanted right that moment was to get out of the cell and away from what she thought was a blossoming love between her husband and an elf. But there was no way that was going to happen. They were stuck and she knew no matter what she did they weren't getting out anytime soon. And so she resigned herself to listening to the two talk, bond, and fall in love. With each word spoken between the two she felt her heart break just a little bit more.

How wrong she was to think they were stuck however because in the next moment Bilbo popped up out of nowhere with the keys. Nell leapt to her feet and rushed to hug the little hobbit as soon as the door was open. “I should have known you would get us out of this. You seem to always be getting us out of tricky situations and for that I can not think you enough my friend.” She squeezed him just a bit tighter before letting him go. Bilbo smiled up at her and patted her shoulder. He was very observant and despite the fact she was masking her true feelings, he could see the anguish hidden in her dark green orbs, but instead of calling her out he gave her a comforting smile.

As soon as Bilbo led the company into the cellars there was an uproar of complaints. No one could believe the hobbit had led them further into the palace and not out. Nell turned to look at him with a raised brow. “What's the plan here exactly Bilbo? You know I trust you, but this seems a little bit crazy.” She looked around the room as if trying to prove her point.

“You need to get into the barrels. All of you.” Bilbo pointed toward the stacked, empty barrels behind them. Of course no one was willing to listen, thinking it a bad idea, and that they were going to get caught. None of the company was willing to do as instructed until Thorin took over and told them to climb in. Nell uncrossed her arms and walked toward the barrels, all of which were full.

“Get in here with me,” Kili said. She gave him a pointed look walked passed his barrel and got in with Fili causing the younger dwarf to look at her in confusion. He tried asking her what was wrong, but in the next moment Bilbo pulled a lever and they were falling down into the cold river below. They sputtered about for a few minutes as they waited on Bilbo to join them. When he splashed down into the water Nori pulled him up and let him latch onto his barrel and then they were off.

Things seemed to be going well and it looked like they were going to escape, but then the elves spotted them and pulled a lever, closing the gate in front of them. They crashed into it and each other not able to go any further. Nell groaned and leaned her head against Fili's chest. “Well so much for our great escape,” she mumbled. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close until a cry about orcs was heard. The entire company began shoving at the orcs that came too close and stole a few weapons from the ones that fell dead due to the elves.

Nell was in the process of fighting one of her and Fili's barrel when she heard him yell, “Kili!” She shoved a blade through the orc and turned around. Seeing an arrow in Kili's leg her face lost all color, her heart was pounding so loud she was amazed no one else could hear it. Yes, she was angry with him and hurt beyond all belief, but he was still her love, her heart and soul. Nell would never wish harm to come to him. She watched as he pulled the lever freeing all of them and then fell back into his own barrel breaking the arrow.

It was impossible for her to keep an eye on him after that. They were once again careening down the river trying to kill the orcs when they came too close. The company also had to worry about the blasted elves who were following them and fighting off the orcs. At one point Legolas was using the dwarves’ heads as stepping stones. Something Nell did not find amusing. She had been very tempted to shove him in the river when he got near her, but she held back because the blonde elf did kill an orc who had been aiming for her.

After Thorin threw an axe killing an orc sneaking up on Legolas the elves stopped following the company, letting the rapid river lead them away from the Mirkwood kingdom and the orc pack that was following them.

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