A Nice Rest

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A/N: so this chapter took an unexpected twist, but I like where it went

Nell was amazed at how beautiful Rivendell was and she hadn't even seen all of it yet. As the company walked across a small bridge and into a courtyard of sorts she looked around with awe. “Ah Lindir,” Gandalf spoke causing her to look forward. She saw an elf making his way down the stairs and watched him curiously. The elf and wizard had a conversation in what she assumed was elvish.

“My Lord Elrond is not here,” said Lindir.

“Not here? Where is he?” Gandalf asked. And then the same horn that had sounded as the company escaped the orcs sounded. Fili and Kili grabbed Nell pulling her close as the elves rode their horses around them in a circle. Her eyes narrowed as she watched what looked to be the Lord of Rivendell speak to Gandalf. Nell didn't like the fact they were speaking in another language. “That's rather rude,” she muttered. Lord Elrond looked to her with a raised brow having heard her and she stuck her tongue out in retaliation. If he was going to be rude then so was she.

“Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone must have drawn them close,” Elrond said.

“Ah yes that might have been us,” Gandalf replied looking toward the company. Thorin stepped forward and exchanged some words with the elf before Elrond spoke in his native language causing the dwarves to become angry. “Does he offer us insult?” Gloin growled and looked like he might attack. “No master Gloin he is offering you food.” Gandalf let out an exasperated sigh. All the dwarves discussed what they should do. And when they decided they would stay and accept the food Gloin told them as such.

“Nice of you to offer, but you could have just said it in a way we all understood,” she sassed.

Nell was taken to another room while the rest of the group was led outside to eat. It was odd that she was granted such a courtesy after the way She had spoken to Elrond, but she appreciated the kindness. She was given clean clothes and some water to clean up with. Of course she would have prefered a bath, but she knew she needed to get back to the others before they started worrying. As she joined the company she couldn't help laughing as Bofur was up on a dias singing and food was being thrown around.

Nell joined in with the fun. Throwing food and singing along with everyone. When she saw the looks the elves were giving them she simple gave them a cheeky smile in return. Teasing the elves and acting like a child was the most fun she had, had in sometime and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.  It wasn't long after the singing that dinner ended. Fili and Kili came over to her taking one of her arms each. They had plans for her while Thorin, Balin, Gandalf, and Bilbo went to speak with Elrond leaving the rest of them to do what they pleased.

“So we noticed how you were looking around when we first arrived,” started Fili.

“And we thought we would go for a walk,” finished Kili.

Nell let out a chuckle. “I would love to join you on a walk. Have some time alone with my two favorite dwarves.” She squeezed both their arms and let them lead her wherever they chose. Soon enough they found a small spring, slightly hidden by bushes and flowers along with a few trees. “I believe we're in luck.” She began removing her clothes and making her way toward the water. “I do believe you're right, Gimlelul.” Fili took his own clothes off and joined her in the water. Kili laughed and dove in once he was naked causing a splash. Nell giggled and floated on her back with her eyes closed and enjoyed the sun. “This is nice. I didn't think we would get the chance to be alone while on the quest. Nor did I think we would get to rest in such a beautiful place,” she said.

“I know uncle was against coming here and I know why, but this is much better than the cold water we've been washing with and we won't be sleeping on the hard ground.” Fili moved toward Nell and grabbed her from behind. He nibbled at her neck leaving a small mark. Kili was having fun swimming or at least he made it seem that way. In truth he was moving closer to Nell under the water. He grabbed her hips and teased her with his mouth. She let out a squeal and grabbed onto Fili's arms. When Kili could no longer hold his breath he popped up from under the water. A smirk played on his lips as he looked at Nell’s flushed cheeks. He loved being able to bring color to her face.

“You're such a tease.” She splashed water toward him causing Kili to laugh. “Aye, but you like it when he teases you, don't deny it. You know you can't,” Fili whispered huskily into her ear as he ground his hard cock against her rear. “Fair enough my golden lion, but I like what comes after the teasing even more.” She pushed back on him causing him to groan. Kili moved toward her and pressed his lips to hers in a searing kiss. “You're a tease as well amrâlimê. But like you we enjoy it and what comes after.” Kili gazed at her adoringly and with lust filled eyes.

And until the sun started to set both Fili and Kili made love to her. As the sky began to turn pink and orange the three climbed out of the spring and got dressed. “Here, Nell your braids need fixed.” Kili grabbed her hair and fixed her memorial braid as well as his braid, but he left the other alone for Fili to fix. Which he did right before they made their way back to the others. All the braids were important in some way; one for her father, one showing her marriage to Fili, and one showing her marriage to Kili.

When they joined the others a small fire had been built and everyone was laughing and drinking. “Hey lookie here the princes and princess have finally joined us,” Bofur called out. Fili, Kili, and Nell shook their heads and found a place to sit together. They laughed and joked, ate and drank, and thoroughly enjoyed their evening. For they did not know when they would get the chance to do so again. Erebor was still a long way off and they possibly had a dragon to deal with before they got their home back. But tonight that was forgotten and they relaxed until it was time to go to sleep. Nell nestled in between her husbands letting their warmth relax her. But her dreams were not at all as pleasant as her day had been.

Battle cries and screams of pain were all Nell could hear. Her body felt like she had ran for her life and didn't know if it could move anymore. She looked around not knowing where she was, but then she saw the bodies of those she called family. Fili's leg was twisted in an odd manor and his eyes held no life, Kili was broken and bloody, and Thorin was coughing up blood. She tried to move closer to them, but it was like her feet were covered in lead. No matter how much she struggled she couldn't get her body to move. Nell watched Thorin's mouth move and tried to make out what he was saying. “Run,” he said before breathing his last breath.

All of Nell’s family, the ones she had feared losing were gone. Pain blossomed in her chest and she let out an anguished cry. A sinister laugh sounded behind her and she turned seeing pink eyes right in her face.

“They are all dead and now it's your turn,” whom Nell assumed was Azog snarled. He then shoved a sword through her stomach and left her to bleed out slowly knowing she had failed to protect her family. She looked to her husbands and her surrogate father as tears ran down her face.

“I'm so sorry. I tried to save you,” she cried.

Nell jerked awake when Fili shook her. Seeing him alive she hugged him tightly. “What's going on?” Kili asked. She turned and hugged him as well as tears poured down her face. The dream had been so real she really thought they were gone. “I dreamed Azog killed you both and Thorin before he killed me,” she told them. The brothers looked at each other worried about her dreaming such things. “Nell, amrâlimê, Azog is dead. He can't harm any of us,” Kili assured her. Fili was quick to agree, “He's right. You heard uncle. Azog is dead.” But they hadn't seen the look she had. They didn't know what she believed; the pale orc was alive.

However before she could tell them what she had seen and why she feared for their lives, Thorin showed up telling them they needed to leave. Nell sighed, but got her things ready. She would have to wait to tell them it would seem.

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