You've Got To Be Kidding

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Nell sat leaned against a rock closing her eyes trying to catch a few minutes rest. She wasn't as tired as she had been before escaping the goblins and Azog, but she was still tired. Now that Fili, Kili, and Thorin knew Azog was alive she wasn't feeling as burdened. A heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders now that they knew her fears weren't unfounded. It helped to ease her mind, knowing they would be more on guard now. She thought them knowing the truth would help keep them alive. And because she wasn't weighed down anymore she was finding it easier to sleep. She wasn't having nightmares like she had been.

However she still wasn't getting much sleep. Azog was still on their trail and they couldn't stay in one place for very long. No matter how much she wished they could lay, not for a whole night but just for a spell, and sleep she knew it wasn't possible. Because of that she caught any amount asleep she was able to.

A scuttling of rocks and the sounds of whispers woke her from her slumber. She opened her eyes to see Bilbo had returned from scouting.

“How close are they?” Thorin asked.

“Too close, but that isn't our only problem,” Bilbo replied.

“Did they catch our scent?” Dwalin asked.

“No, but they will. There's something else…”

“Did they see you? They saw,” Gandalf said not giving the poor hobbit a chance to say anything.

“No, no.” Bilbo was growing agitated with all the questions and the fact they wouldn't listen to what he was trying to say.

“What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse,  perfect burglar material,” Gandalf bragged.

Nell stood with a huff and walked over to the others. “Would you lot shut it for a moment, Bilbo is trying to tell you something.” She looked at them like a mother scolding her children. Fili and Kili smiled at her softly before muttering a small apology.  Bilbo smiled at her in thanks and she nodded her head.

“There's something else out there,” he finally told them not that they were paying him that much attention. Gandalf paled and looked at the hobbit seriously. “What form did it take? That of a bear?” He asked. Bilbo blanched and looked at Gandalf curiously. Even Nell was wondering what was going on. “Ye...yes, but much larger,” Bilbo replied. Nell closed her eyes and let out a groan. This whole quest was cursed. They had been given the worst kind of luck and just couldn't catch a break. At this point she wouldn't be surprised if an army of elves showed up ready to attack them for some reason or other. “What on arda did we do to deserve this? Did we do something to anger Mahal because I swear I will do whatever it takes to make our luck turn around,” she muttered.

Thorin narrowed his eyes at Gandalf. “You knew this beast was out there?” He asked. “We should double back,” Bofur suggested. Nell gave him an incredulous look. Turning back was the worst idea she had ever heard. She couldn't believe he would even say such a thing. “How bout no?” she told him. Thorin shook his head. “And be run down by orcs?” He too knew what doubling back meant.

“There is a house nearby where we might seek refuge,” Gandalf said. Nell crossed her arms wondering why he hadn't mentioned it sooner. “And you're just now bringing this up? We've been hiding and dodging Azog for days. We're hungry and tired and you didn't think to mention this house before?” She questioned highly upset. She couldn't believe that the wizard had waited this long to tell them.

“And the owner? Are they friend or foe?” Thorin wanted answers as well.

“Because I did not think we would have to seek the house. And he is neither. He will help us or he will kill us,” Gandalf replied. Bringing a hand up Nell rubbed her face in frustration. She was sick and tired of things going wrong. She just wanted things to go smoothly for a while. No more life or death scenarios, just them peacefully traveling to the mountain. They weren't supposed to have to deal with any danger until they got to Erebor and even then they weren't really supposed to face anything. Bilbo was supposed to find the Arkenstone so they could rally the other dwarves and kill Smaug, should he live. But that wasn't how things were going at all. Every time they turned around some new threat was popping up. Frankly she was ready to scream.

“What choice do we have?” Thorin asked. Right after a loud roar filled the air, letting the company know the massive bear was close.

“None.” Gandalf looked to the rest of the company. “Run,” he told them.

Nell pumped her legs as hard as she could as they ran across fields and streams. Her lungs burned with the exertion she was putting forth, but she didn't stop. Their lives were in danger once more and she didn't exactly fancy the idea of being mauled to death by a bear. It seemed like a very gruesome death, one she hoped they all would manage to avoid.

A door loomed ahead of them and just as they grew close to safety the giant bear leapt from the underbrush and came charging at them. Bombur, the fastest dwarf of the company somehow found an extra burst of speed and managed to run past all the other dwarves and slammed into the door.

“Get it open,” someone called, but Nell was so focused on running, avoiding the snapping jaws of the beast behind them that she had no clue who it was. All the dwarves slammed against the door, but it wasn't budging. Finally someone reached up unlocking it and they all slipped inside at the last moment. They began pushing the door closed just as the bear’s snout poked through and it took all their effort to get it closed and bar it closed.

Nell bent over, her  hands resting on her knees. “So much for never having to run long distance again,” she huffed out as she tried to catch her breath. Fili chuckled. “Well at least we won't be out of shape when we reach the mountain,” he teased. Lifting her head Nell looked at him pointedly, but seeing the laughter in his and Kili's eyes she too started laughing. “Fair enough. You two will have amazing stamina after this,” she teased back. Kili lightly shoved her. “We have great stamina and you know it.” He winked at her. She was about to say more when she noticed Ori looking at Gandalf.

“What was that thing?”

“That was our host,” Gandalf replied. Everyone looked at the wizard completely bewildered.

“Want to run that by me again?” Nell asked.

“His name is Beorn and he is a skin-changer,” Gandalf informed them. Right,  a skin-changer, Nell thought, because trolls, orcs, and goblins weren't enough. “Sometimes he's a huge black bear others he is a great strong man,” he continued explaining.

“He's leaving,” Ori told them as he looked through a crack in the doorway.

“Get away from there,” Dori pulled his little brother, Ori, back. “It's not natural. None of it. It's clear he's under some dark spell,” he said.

Gandalf shook his head. “Don't be a fool. He's under no enchantment, but his own. Alright now get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here for the night.” He shooed them inside the house. “I hope,” he whispered when he thought they were out of earshot. However Nell heard him and sighed. “You've got to be kidding me. Do you not want me to have a good night's sleep, cause saying stuff like that is a good way to make sure I don't sleep,” she told him.

Gandalf gave her a look that made her think of her father when he was trying to comfort her. “Dear Nell you will be safe as will your husbands, Thorin, and the others. I know what fears you have, but fret not. Tonight Azog cannot get you, take heart in that and sleep well,” he told her as he gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Azog couldn't get them tonight, but what would happen tomorrow, when they left?

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