《。☆*:.。.~ 9 ~.。.:*☆。》

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Bee drives to Sam's house and parked at the back alley of his house.

Both you and Sam get out of the car as the rest of the team had parked behind Bee.

He turned to towards you and walked around Bee and to you. "I need you to stay here and watch them ok? All of them. Five minutes alright?"

You nodded as you watched Sam run towards his house. After a few moments after Sam began to leave all of the Autobot's began to transform.

"Oh god! Wait no! You need to stay!" You hissed at him as you waved your arms around in panic.

Bee whirred at you as you started to freak out. OH GOD SAM IS GONNA KILL ME!!!

What seemed to take forever Sam came running back out from his house as he began to freak out over Optimus.

"Watch the path! Watch the path!"
That when his foot crushed the water fountain. "No! Oh god!"

"Oops sorry-my bad." Optimus stated as he lifted his foot from the now crushed fountain.

"You could've waited for-you could've waited for five minutes! Just stay! Just stay God!"

You rushed into the backyard as Sam ran over to you. " I told you to watch them! I told you."

"Well they seem to be in a little bit of a rush." You snapped as you watched the large robots trudge around Sam's backyard.

You gasped looking over to see Sam's little dog padded over to Ironhide's foot and lifted his leg to piss on his foot.

"Ugh! Little wrench."

"No mojo! Off the robot!" He snapped as you both rushed over and Sam grabbed Mojo before Ironhide could crush him.

"Hold on. Easy-easy." Sam held his dog close as Ironhide took out his cannons.

"You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate?"

"No! No he's a chihuahua. This is my chihuahua. We love chihuahuas."

"Easy to leave lubricant all over my foot." Snapped the angry mech.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo." Sam snapped and Ironhide repeated. "Bad Mojo."

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing." Sam rambled it as Ironhide grunted and stormed off. "Ugh...now it's gonna rust.."

You sighed as Sam rushed back in the house, running between Optimus two feet. "Okay, okay.." Sam rambled out as he looked ag the robots. "Shut up and go hide!" He hissed as he entered the house.

You looked over at Optimus. "Do you mud giving me a lift? You asked as he rested a metal hand towards you and you got.

He lifted you up as Sam looked at his window. "They really want those glasses." You stated as San sighed.

"Time is short." Prime stated as "come on. What are you doing?" He grumbled as he helped you in.

"I'm came to help you look for the glasses." You replied as he sighed. Optimus leaned in the window as he watched you and Sam run around his room. "Please hurry." The large robot grumbled as Sam went down on all four, throwing papers and magazines around.

"Ok, no, no. It's definitely gone." Sam stated as he got up from the ground. "What do you mean?" You asked as he sighed, doing a 360 spin before looking at you.

"My glasses were in the bag, they were in a backpack and now the backpack is gone." He stated as you nodded. "Well there's gonna be pissed so-"

"So what I think you should do is, you should-you should just check this whole. This whole section here." He stated as you nodded as he continued to ramble as he gestures to the area for you to check.

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