9 | Cecilia's Wolf

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The rest of the week passed with school and Jackson. There was lots of both. There was also more grumbling from my father and more girly excitement from my mother, but I pretty much ignored those.

Jackson hadn't been kidding when he said he wanted to pick me up from school every day. We picked somewhere different to eat every day as well. We hit a couple fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Wendy's, but we also hit a couple cute little diners in the neighboring towns as well, that Jackson suggested. After dinner, we would go back to my house or the pack house.

The days that we were at the pack house, we were always surrounded by his pack mates. They were really fun and I was having a great time getting to know everyone. Mason was there every time and we were always trading playful insults that had Jackson rolling his eyes. When everyone else was distracted, I'd offer to hook him up with some guys, just to tease him, and he always retaliated by finding some way to embarrass me before Jackson took me to get my car and then home.

The days at my house were spent in the living room with my mom peppering him with questions and my dad glaring at him over the top of his pop can. Needless to say, we only did that once. The pack house was much more enjoyable, and I could kiss Jackson whenever I wanted to when we were there.

The excitement for Friday built with each day. I so badly wanted to know what he had planned for us, but he refused to tell me, no matter how much I begged and pleaded. I couldn't stand the suspense. I loved surprises but the waiting killed me. The only detail that I could get out of him was that I would need my swim suit. That gave me practically nothing!

But, Friday did eventually roll around. I was jittery and excited all day and my friends teased me about for the first few hours, but then ignored it after that. When the bell rang, I practically raced out of my class to my locker. I grabbed my things and joined Taylor, Lisa, Kayla and Aiden in walking out to the parking lot.

"Have you gotten Jackson to tell you where he's taking you yet?" Taylor asked me eagerly. She thought it was awesome that he had prepared a surprise for me, but she also really wanted to know what it was.

I shook my head, letting out an aggravated sigh. "He refuses to budge. Not even puppy dog eyes work." I had tried it. Multiple times. He just refused to look at me, saying no to the ceiling or floor until I stopped.

Lisa snorted. "You should have just told him that you weren't going to kiss him again until he told you."

I raised my eyebrows at her suggestion, but Kayla replied before I could. "Now, Lisa, let's remember that our dear Cecilia loves kissing him just as much as he does her. That would be punishment for her as well." Her voice was teasing and amused.

I rolled my eyes at her, but I knew that she was right. I did love kissing him.

"Plus, a surprise is no fun if she breaks him and makes him reveal it," Taylor reasoned. "The fact that he's got their first date all planned out is the cutest thing ever and I think she should just roll with it."

"Surprises are for pussies," Aiden declared, breaking up the girly moment with his normal abrasive attitude.

Lisa scoffed and Taylor replied, "You just don't have a romantic bone in your body!" at the same time that Kayla punched his arm and said, "Then it's a good thing that Ceci has one of those."

Used to Kayla and Aiden's inappropriate bantering, none of us even batted an eye at her comment, but Aiden did respond to Taylor's. "I'm not interested in romance," he sniffed, like the very idea of it was beneath him.

I laughed. "We know. You're a typical guy, only interested in one thing."

"Girls," Taylor said.

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