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Same night
"So you just said fuck the game.You bomb as fuck for that". I was currently getting a deep body massage from dave as he smoked. "I mean why not mr.i love to play games". "I mean why not it keeps it spicy.I see you enjoying this massage". I giggled because it was true. "You know i've never had a massage..... and this shit feels lovely". It was the moment he went down to my right lower back dimple and pressed his finger so gently but so hard at the same time, i didn't know rather to marry him or have his kids .
[Go get you a massage, i'm telling you. Words can't explain.]
"Right there, yess oh my god yes". I couldn't help that that came out as a moan but this man really didn't know how to work his hands . "Right there i see. How about right here?" "Even better". I kept my answers short because i was on the verge of moaning again dam near wanting to cry out. "Turn over". Turning over i looked at him seeing how his eyes were red and hazy. Laying back i felt the warm oil begin spread along my right leg, then left, then stomach . "Take your bra off". Brain,body, and soul coming to a complete halt . I carefully looked at him. He nodded his head slowly, looking until my eyes. Swallowing to get some moister into my mouth,i unhooked my bra letting my pump C cups free. The slightest bit of air caused my nipples to harding. Pouring the oil onto his large hands he rubbed them over my breast . Trying to control my breathing,i grabbed onto the bed sheets . "Your so beautiful". "Thanks". i said below a whisper. I was wetter than the atlantic ocean and a tsunami put together. "So what really ma-". I was cut off by the ringing of his phone. Slightly turning my head to get a look at who was calling,it was a picture of kairi and what i'm guessing is her mother. My mood went down instantly,not that i'm jealous it just knocked me into reality. I'm i really ready for whatever we're about to do ? Grabbing my bra i quickly went to the bathroom . How could i let myself get all worked up? Walking into the kitchen i grabbed my dress and put it back on . It was going in the trash because of all this oil on my body . Grabbing my shoes i felt dave's arm drape around my waist, pulling me back into him. "Tonight was amazing ma, sorry it got cut short but i'm definitely going to make it up to you i promise"."Oh you promise huh.... well ok". Turning around looking up at him, i looked back down . "Hey, what's on your mind". "David what are we really doing because i just can't keep going all these things mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually becau-". Those Soft juicy lips shut me up completely . "I'm fucking with you, you fucking with me. We riding the wave, ian finna do no stupid shit. Let's go with the flow .... why put a title on it yet". "Wellll okay, okay. So i'm about to go, i have a long day tomorrow i'll call you when i get home". "ight ma,drive safe". After walking me to my car and giving me a kiss or two i was on my way to my part time home.   

Surprisingly india was back at home before midnight.
"India wake up i'm back and i'm about to cook". "WHAT, what you finna cook i want some". I was on the floor laughing at this girl, she is a mess. "Some philly cheese steak sliders and buffalo wings". "Bitchhhhhh dave put the dick on you got you cooking". "INDIA don't start". "So honey....how it happened? Did y'all fuck to trick daddy?" "Bitch hell nawl, india something is really wrong with you. Who fucks to trick daddy music?" "Somebody michelle ....somebody". So what happen?" "Ok, i went over to his house and when i came in i went straight to the kitchen to see what he was cooking because i smelled garlic. There was a nerf gun on the island with a note. Long story short i said fuck the game and went to his bedroom in my bra and panties and might i add they were a smooth red color. He gave me a full body massage and that's it". Her eyes were about to pop out the dam sockets. "MICHELLE ELIZABETH". "Girl you sound like my mother.... hush". I still haven't been to see them but i was going to soon because my auntie was coming to town. "Michelle you said full body, that means no clothes nor undergarments". Putting the sliders into the oven i sat on the island waiting on the wings to get done frying and texted david . "I had my panties on but no bra". "MICHELLE ELIZABETH LEE". "Girl say my whole name like that again and see what happens". "I can't believe you dog. You let that man give you a massage". "Hold on, why you saying it like it's bad?" "It's not, it's just you YOU never let no one get this closet after john from college". "Oh my god here you go with JoHn FrOm CoLlEgE again". I had to say that it in a retarded voice because she knows how  irritating bringing up john is. "Michelle don't do that that it was years ago". Cutting the oven off and covering the wings with the bufflo sauce i made my plate and sat in the dinning room. "Michelle i didn't mean it like that". "Nawl you good". She really just told me it was years ago, so she wants me to get over  the heart ache john caused me . John was my first everything, he introduced me to a lot of stuff ...... A LOT. I was head over hills for him or in my mother's words "Baby he got you nose wild open".If he told me to jump over the bridge i would do it . We was on and off for the last year of our relationship because of the things he chose to do . The night he found out his mother had died he put his hands on me and put me in the hospital . That was the firsts and last time anybody would ever put here hands on me and i promised myself that .
John sounds like a hand-full
New characters ☺️
Y'all thought something was about to go down in his bedroom .... shaking my head nasty 😂
Sorry for any mistakes 💋
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