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I pulled my covers up and fell asleep. "I'll just cut in the morning."


Cay's POV

I pulled the neon orange blanket off of my body, and looked at my alarm clock. "1:30, good thing my parents won't be home until next Sunday. My mother would kill me if she knew I slept in this late!" I said to myself as I walked to the bathroom. I went over to the sink and grabbed a small wooden box from inside, hidden under some towels. I opened it up and pulled out one of my many blades. It felt cold against my skin as I slid it back and fourth. "Just remember Caitlyn, it helps numb the pain." I said as I put the blade away and put a rag to my legs. " Well, it looks like I'll be wearing jeans today.."

I looked down to the ten marks I had made on each leg. They were small, but there was so much blood coming out of them. I don't know why I do this to myself, it numbs they pain and all started when I was dating Jayke. He put me through so much pain.

I walked to my closet and pulled out some sweatpants, just incase someone would happen to show up. I jumped on my bed and grabbed my phone.

3 New Messages

My MikeyMouse😊💙:

SLEEPOVAAAAA. I'll be over around 8. And yes, I will actually drive myself to your house hahahaa.

To My MikeyMouse😊💙:

Good. Cause I'm toooo lazy to come get you! And make sure you bring alcohol!! See ya soooonnnn.


Okay!! I can't wait!! We will actually get to know eachother, other then texting this will be the first time we hang out and talk!!


Wanna hangout later? Round 5? Meet me at the Movies, it will just be you and I.

To Jai😝:

Duhhhh. I'll see you then.!!

I walked to my bathroom to take a shower. The warm water burned my still fresh cuts. I knew the soap would hurt even more but I had to get clean. I pressed the rag gently on my leg. "FUCK!" I screamed and fell to my ass. I didn't feel numb anymore. The pain hurt so much, on the inside and out. I felt like I was crying, but with the water running down my face I couldn't tell. I stood up, and rinsed the soap off of me. I grabbed my towel, dried off,and headed to my closet.

I pulled out my smiley, grey nirvana shirt with cutoff sleeves, and a pair of pink shorts, long enough to cover my cuts. I put on a pink sports bra to match my shorts. I curled my hair and ran my fingers through it as my long, brown hair fell down my back. I put on a thick coat of mascara and brown eyeshadow to make the blue in my eyes pop. "Ready." I grabbed my car keys, leaving my house unlocked, and got in my jeep.

I arrived at Starbucks and ordered a chocolate smoothie with nonfat milk. I grabbed a table and waited for Alyssa. I looked up from my phone to see a dark haired boy and girl in line in front of Alyssa, as she waved to me. I knew those two in front of her, I just can't face them right now. She walked over taking a sip of her Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino with no whip cream. I kept my eyes on the boy and girl until they sat in the booth behide us.

"Caitlyn, Who are those people??" Alyssa said as I took my stare away from them.

"Uhhh it James and Rita,my neighbors ya know. And James and I got into it last night." I said.

"Okay well let's just go to Panera!" Alyssa said as we bolted out the door.


I just had lunch with Alyssa and I learned that she is the youngest of two sisters, she goes to a private school, her parents are divorced, and she is a really good cook and can sing! She wasn't the type of person I would normally hang with, but she was really nice and sweet! I could tell a great friendship had started.

To Jai😝:

Headed to the movies nowww😄


Okay. I'll go get tickets.

I arrived to the movies and saw Jai sitting in a black chair, looking at his phone. Probably on twitter.

"Hey bud!" I said as he stood up and pulled me into a bear hug. "Jai you are killing me!!"

"Hahaa sorry Cay". He said as he released me from the hug.

"What movie are we gonna be seeing?"

"The hangover." The smile on his face as he said this was huge.


"Jai! That movie was amazing! I couldn't stop laughing.!" I said as Jai and I walked to the lobby.

"Glad you had fun! You shouldn't be sad all the time, you need to get out more with friends!" Jai said.

"Well, if all my friends didn't hate each other, then maybe I would get out more..." I said as I saw a tall boy with dark brown hair walk out of the bathroom.

"Hide me Jai." I said as I stood behind him.

"Why?? Who is it?? Who do you see??" I could hear his voice filling with fear.

"Jayke." I said has I saw Jayke see me and headed my way.

"I got this." Jai said as he grabbed my hand.

I couldn't really make out the words that Jai was saying to Jayke, but I could see the fire in Jaykes eyes when he would look at me. He started walking towards me when Jai grabbed him and knocked him to the ground. Jai ran to me and kissed me, making sure Jayke could see it. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door.

"SHES NOT OVER ME. SHE WILL ALWAYS BE MINE. JUST WAIT AND SEE!!" I heard Jayke scream as I ran outside. "Thank you Jai." I said as I got in my car. Uhhhhh did jai just kiss me??...


I looked at the clock in my car before I turned it off. "7:50, Mikey should be coming soon." I said as I grabbed my purse and walked into the house. I turned on the oven and grabbed a frozen pizza, knowing Mikey would be hungry.

I walked to my room and put in The Lord Of The Ring Movies, then went back downstairs to get the pizza. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to a boy with a wide smile on his face. "Hi Cayyyyyy" he said as he pulled me into a bear hug.

"Hi Mikey, I made us a pizza!" I said as I grabbed the pizza and he followed me upstairs.

"Dudeee! Lord of The Rings?? I love this movie!!" Mikey said as he jumped in my bed, getting under the blankets, grabbing 4 pieces of pizza.

During the middle of the third movie I started to doze off. " I'm going to bed Mikey, did you finish the pizza?"

"Yes Cay, I finished it, good night."He said as he wrapped his arm around me.



Author note.

This was a crappy chapter. But I don't give a fuckkk. Haha love you guys💚




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