
28 4 1

🎶 oh baby you're a buzzkill 🎶

I kept hitting the snooze button but my alarm would not shut off. I hoped out of bed. Thank God it is finally Friday and hopefully the boys were coming over tonight. I walked down stairs to see my father making a pot of coffee.

"Hey Daddy. Umm I really don't wanna go to school today, and oh I think the boys are coming over tonight. So can I have my credit card back?? Please I need to go buy some things."

"Anything for my babygirl. And it's fine that they come over. But remember, spring break is next week and your mother, brothers and I won't be home till the end of it so stay safe and call me every night." He said has he searched in his wallet for my card.

"Thanks! Love you.! See you soon!" I said as I ran back upstairs. I didn't want to go shopping for food all alone so I texted James.


Hey James.. Are you going to school right now? Cause I was hoping you would come over for a little and go food shopping and then I'll take you to school.


I was actually just about to head out. But I'll be over. I need to be at school by 1 thou. I have an AP test then.

I said good bye to my family as they loaded their suitcases and drove away. I went back up to my room, knowing that James would let himself in and come up. I plugged in my straightener and ran it through my hair until it was perfectly straightened. I put on the peach lace dress and jean jacket that Jai had bought for me. I had to admit, I look pretty hot in it. I went into the bath and coated mascara on my eyelashes and put on some light brown eyeshadow. I walked back into my room and saw James laying on my bed. He heard me open the door, so before I was halfway to my bed, he jumped up and gave me a bear hug.

"I'm sooooo sorry Caitlyn. I never should of gotten that upset with you. I have really missed you this past week, I mean we usually hang out everyday."

I could see in his eyes that he was about to cry. I hugged him even tight as I told him it was okay. I grabbed my purse and car keys and followed James out the door.

I pulled into a parking spot and we got out. As we were walking into the store, I tripped and ran in to someone and fell face first.

"Omg I am soooo sorry." The girl said as she helped me up. I could hear James laughing.

"Omg you are bleeding!!! Do you want me to take you to the hospital?!?!" The girl said, she didn't look like she could be much older then me.

I touched my forehead and looked at the blood on my fingers. "No, I'm fine. But thanks anyways."

"Well atleast come to my car and let me get you a bandaid." She said.

We arrived at her black and pink mustang. She searched around for awhile until she poked her head out and said got it!, as she waved it around.

I put the bandaid over the blood to stop it. "By the way, I'm Cay. Thanks for the bandaid hahaaa."

"Names Alyssa and no problem."

"Ohhh Heyyy I go to school with you. You were Wendy in the Peter Pan play. I didn't actually watch it, but I heard it was good!" James said with a big smile. I knew he was developing a crush on her.

"Hey well we should hang out sometime. Exchange numbers?" I said. Alyssa put her number in mine, and mine in hers.

James and I headed back to the store. I hopped into the buggie so James could push me around.

"I could tell you liked her. She was hot and she was sweet. She is perfect for you!"

"Uhhh yeah she was nice, but I'm dating Maria..." James said with a sad look his face. Maria treats him like shit. And James gives her everything. He can do better, but they've been dating for 3 years.

"Really? You are still dating that slut. She cheats on you all the time. I mean she even tried getting with Skip. Hand me your phone. If you won't end it I will." I called Maria up and told her it was over, I didn't actually think she would be mad, but all she did was yell at me until I hung up. Even thou I knew how much James liked Alyssa, he would still date Maria again.

After about an hour of shopping for chips, pop, candy and movies we headed back to my house, unloaded, and then I took James to school.

"See ya later Cay!" James said as he walked into school. I drove over to Mikey's and we head back to my place. It was only 3 so we had time before the others show up. Mikey rolled up some joints and after awhile we both passed out, tired as can be. I woke up only to hear the door bell ring. I left Mikey sleeping.

"Hey good looking" Beau said with a stupid looking grin on his face. "What's for dinner?"

"I think I'm going to make grilled chicken with rice. Sound good?"

All three boys nodded their heads. As I start cooking I heard James and Skip go into my family room with the other boys. I finished cooking and went to where the boys were.

"What do you guys wanna watch?"I said as I bent down to the DVD player.

"Hmmm I don't know I like watching this." Jai said. I heard Luke slap him and then I figured out he was staring at me! "You're a pervert Jai Brooks!" I said as I sat all the way down.

"How about the Titanic??" Beau said. All of the other boys moaned.

"How about Ghost Rider?" James suggest as I pulled it up on the tv and pressed play. I gave everyone a plate of food and ran upstairs to get Mikey.

"Mikeyyyyyy. Wake upp" I said as I shook him until I saw his eyes open.

"I'm upppp. Is every one else here?..." He said. I nodded yes to him and he followed me down stairs.

"Cay, where did you go... Oh no.."Skip said when he saw Mikey. Everyone turned their heads and saw him. He put his arm around my shoulder and waved high to them.

"Come on let's go get you some food!" I said pulling him into the kitchen. "If this is to awkward I can take you home.."

"No no. It's fine." He said as he headed into the living room. He sat down next to Beau. I sat on the floor next to him. We ate our dinner in silence beside the noise from the tv.

"Well that was a good movie. What do y'all wanna talk about?"I said as I headed from the kitchen with some Myers rum and Jack Daniels..



Not many people are reading this soo I'll prbly only update once a week until more read and they demand it, then I'll update more frequently👍

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