Knowing them. (Janoskian fanfic)

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Hey guys, it's a janoskians fanfic hope y'all like itt💚💚


"Jamessss. You are such an asshole. Like my gawd, you took my French fry you butt."

" Hahaaaa Caitlyn I love how short temper you are. I only took oneeee"

" But it's foodddd, and I love food."

James knew how people could piss me off over the littlest things, even a fry. But that's okay, I had been best friends with James since I was 5. Ever since I moved to Australia from West Virginia I had lived next to James and the other Yammouni's. They were the best neighbors I could ask for. I even started out school with James so I never had to restart making new friends. James and I got closer and closer every year to the point the he was more like a brother to me then my own blood brothers. I'm usually over their house more then my own. As I sat at the cafe with James when Daniel walked in ordered some food and sat down with us. He was another one of my best friends. I knew that alway hung out with 3 other boys but today was the first day I would get to meet them, I'm not even sure of their names. But I knew I would like them since they were besties with James and Skip anddd I was kinda forced to go to the movies with them all today because James said I needa get out more. As James and I sat while Skip finished his food, we,well he, started talking about the other 3.

"Hey Cay, I just want you to know that if one of the boys flirts with you, don't be offended. The way your baby blue eyes go with your long hair and perfect skin tone, I have a feeling that at the begin of y'all's friendship, atleast one of them will try to get in your pants, but after awhile they will stop." "Wow James the way you said all that, makes me think you want in my pants hahaaa" " Cay, if you weren't like my sister, you know for sure I would date you homie" " Haaa thanks James, atleast I know you'll always have my back when it comes to someone making me feel like a slut." " No problem Caitlyn, I just want you to watch out."

As we finished up that awkward conversation, it made me wonder, what kinda friends did James and Skip have??...

"SKIP HURRY UP THE OTHER BOYS ARE WAITING FOR US" hahaa I laughed every time those two would fight over something stupid. " Uhh. James. I thought I was the one with the short temper. Not youu." I said while picking lettuce out of Skips salad. I've known him for about as long as I've known James, so I knew he wouldn't care.

We all finished our drinks and food and headed to my car. "OFF TO THE MOVIES WE GOOOOO" shouted Skip out the window. Oh my, I don't know what to do with him haahaa.

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