Chapter 5: Mother's Heart

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Donald finished cleaning his boat. Everything was shiny, and the new paint layer beat white with his eyes. A little tired, but satisfied, he left the boat and wanted to go to the kitchen to eat something. When he opened the door of the residence, collided with two They lost their lives, and he looked at the two young ducks that sat on the ground like him. "Sorry, Uncle Donald ..." Huey rubbed his forehead.

"We just went to see you" Louie grabbed her uncle, and then he helped Huey to get up. "It's okay, boys, you could not know that I wanted to go through that door." The adult duck smiled at her nephews and stroked their heads. The boys also smiled and hug the uncle. Donald, however, sensed that something is wrong. "Actually, boys, why did you go to me?" The ducks became immediately a little more nervous and looking away. Louie tried to laugh but it did not work out. "Boys?" Donald looked worried. "What happened?" Huey and Louie looked at each other nervously. After a long moment, they sighed and looked into Donald's eyes. "You see, uncle ... because ... we ... did something ... not good ..." said the older brother. "Maybe not quite us, because in the end only ..." Louie did not manage to finish the sentence, because Huey gave him a nudge and looked at him with frowned eyes.

"But what did you do?" Donald looked even more worried. "Is it Dewey?" The brothers looked at each other in surprise. "How do you know?" Louie asked suspiciously. I grew! I just feel it. Now tell me why he is so quiet and sad. "Donald put his hands on his hips. Huey looked nervously at Louie. This nodded." The thing is ... we were teasing him ... very ... "He lowered his head." We told him that he and Webby were probably spinning something with each other and we were overdoing it a bit ... "Louie looked away" Well, that's really ... Dewey could not stand it ... and he started shouting that Webby meant nothing to him, and ... "Huey interrupted his sentence." Webby heard this and now I do not want to know him? "Donald finished Huey's statement. The guys again looked at each other surprised." How do you know that? Did Dewey tell you? "Louie looked straight into Uncle's eyes. He looked at them with sadness and concern.

" I spoke; I raised you and I know you very well. I'm disappointed with you boys. It was not right, but I'm glad you're aware of it, but brother brother shouldn't be so upset. "Donald looked at them with the same concern in his eyes as always, Huey and Louie lowered their heads and remorse they couldn't look into the eyes of their uncle. "He crouched and put his arms around them." Did you talk to them? "he asked with a worried expression," Dewey doesn't speak to us, and Webby says that if he didn't think so, he would not he said ... "The brothers were even more sad, and Donald hugged them tightly.

" Give them a few more days. They have to calm down. In the meantime, I will try something with them. Go to mother too, she wanted to see you today. Maybe she'll come up with something. "He smiled at them comfortingly." Well, Uncle Donald. Thank you! "Clearly animated, they ran towards Della's room, Donald looked after them for a moment, and it was a difficult conversation with Dewey and Webby, he loved his nephews very much, and his heart ached when he saw them in this state, he wanted to help them at all costs. Although Della is their mother, it was Donald who had a mother's heart.

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