Chapter Fourteen: The End.

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      (So this is the last chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it and I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments! Please let me know what you think!)      

          The flashing lights of the ambulance and police cars filled the street on a cold, September night. Seventeen year old Kady had watched as her best friend was killed. By his own father.

       He'd gotten so angry when he found out that Benji had let Carrie get away and she must have been the one who called the police. He was completely uncontrollable.

       The police had turned up at the house, where Benji's dad was holding Karyn against a wall, with the nine inch blade to her throat. Steve stood nearby, trying to calm him down. Then Benji and Kady had come in, followed shortly after by the hoard of police officers, aiming guns at him. He flew toward Benji, and stabbed him in the neck. 

      Unfortunately, it took so long to make sure that the scene safe for the ambulance crew to come inside to try to save Benji, that it was already too late by the time they got to him.

      Benji's father was arrested. Kady's real father.

      Although it was all true, none of it felt real for Kady.

      She was looked after by a paramedic, and was giving a very long statement to a police lady, when she heard a familiar female voice, shrieking. "Benji?"

      She jumped up from the pavement where she sat and ran into the road, being held back by a police officer was Carrie. Kady rushed to her. "It was all true. And now Benji is dead." She flung her arms around Carrie, and they both cried. 

      Carrie fell to her knees, while sobbing over the death of her boyfriend who was much more than that. He was also a killer. A willing accomplice. She knew what people would say.

      He deserved it.

      He took innocent lives.

      I hope he suffered...

      But he was her Benji. She loved him, despite all that. But after hearing the full story that love slowly grew to hate. 


          Over the weeks, they  had learned more and more from the police, and from the confession that Benji's father had spilled out shortly after he was arrested. Now a month later, Kady and Carrie were both staying at Steve's house.

      Every day when they turned on the TV, they tried to avoid the news, but something compelled them to turn it on, to see what else he had confessed to. 

      Turns out there was more than they thought. And Benji had been in on it from the beginning.

      "What the hell was he thinking?" Kady asked, more to herself than to anyone specific.

      "I have no idea." Carrie said. "I wish he'd have just told me. I could have stopped him and he probably would still be alive." She picked up the mug of coffee, that was now cold, from the small coffee table in front of them. She drank it anyway.

      "Imagine what people are saying... 'Oh she's that serial killers girlfriend. I bet she knew all about it.'... Assuming this and that. Saying Christ knows what about me."

      "Do you honestly really care right now? Because me, personally, couldn't give a fuck. I guess in a sense we are lucky to be alive. I mean, look how quickly that psycho turned on his own son and killed him." Kady said. 

      She sighed, rubbed her forehead and took a drink of some hot chocolate in Steve's favourite mug on the table in front of her.

       "I still see it, you know. Like it's just replaying in my head every day, almost every time I close my eyes at night. I dream about it too. Well, more like a nightmare, but, I guess I'm just glad you didn't have to see it." Kady added

      "I did see his body as they brought him out. The knife was still in his throat." Carrie looked down at the empty cup in her hand. Then nearly dropped it when there was a sharp, loud knock on the door.

      Since all this happened they had developed a habit of looking out the window before answering the door. This time, it was safe to open. It was a couple of police officers.

      "We would like to talk to you about some new information we have gathered from our searches of the perpetrators property. Is it all right to come inside?"

      Kady nodded. "Yes, that's fine." They led the officers into the living room where the TV was still on, so she turned it off to listen to the police. 

      Carrie moved the small coffee table out of the way so they could sit on the sofa without knocking anything over. There was a female officer and a male officer. The female, whose name turned out to be DS Masden, but said to Kady and Carrie to call her Laura.

      "When our detectives conducted a search of the property we did find some things we thought you might want to know about."

      "Okay?" Kady said.

      "We found a large envelope full of pictures, some printed from a phone and some taken from a camera. They're all of you, plus a couple of the victims. Would you take a look at them for us?" DS Marsden asked, softly.

      "Uh..." Kady stammered. "Okay, yeah, I will."

       Some copies of the photographs were handed to Kady, enlarged and in plastic wallets. She remembered one of them clearly. Her, leaving her mothers house with a bag when she had decided to stay with her dad, or Steve, instead.

      "He's been watching me?" She continued to look through the pictures. There was one that caught her eye. It must have been taken around six weeks ago. She knew that because it was only four weeks ago she had died her hair red. In this picture, the hair was her natural dark brown.

      "Do you know how long ago these photos were taken, Ms Halloway?" The male officer asked.

      "Well, this one," She held out the one of her with her natural hair colour, "must have been around a month or so ago, maybe five or six weeks. I dyed my hair not long before all this started." 

      Her hand was shaking, making the photo in her hand wobble and slip to the floor. "I'm sorry." She said, picking it back up.

       "That's okay. And how long ago did you have your hair dark blue?" The male officer, Greyson, asked.

      "Around eight months ago."

      DS Greyson flipped over a piece of paper, with a printed image of Kady with dark blue hair.

      All Kady could do was put a hand to her mouth and gasp. "For so long... he's been watching me..." Carrie could tell that Kady was becoming stressed and upset, so she reached for the coffee Kady hadn't drank yet. "Thanks." Kady said.

      "At least you're safe now." Carrie said. "He will go to prison, and all of this will be over."

For now.





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