Chapter Twelve:

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     She awoke to muffled voices. Her head pounded. 

That must be the vodka, she thought. But it wasn't. It had been two hours since he had knocked her out with just one punch to the side of her head. She saw the assailant sitting at her kitchen table, his back turned to her.

Now was her chance.

She didn't know if it was the influence of alcohol that gave her the bravery or whether she just wanted to protect her secret. She didn't know it was already exposed.

Steve sat opposite the masked man, whose knife was laying on the table. She could see the stains of blood on the blade.

She walked silently towards him, picking up a candle holder on the way, Steve saw her, but said nothing. 

Just as she was right behind him, ready to hit him, she heard him say, "Kady means everything to me. She's my world. Why else would I do this? I know its all wrong. I know I'm going to lose her once I get caught... But I just wanted to do what's right by her." He started to sob. "She's the only girl I ever had. My little princess. You've seen the proof, Steve. I feel for her the same way you do."

"Then if you cared for her, the last thing you should do is kill the people she loves the most. Yeah, her mom's a pathetic, disgusting drunk, but she's her mom. And I'm her dad. well, that's how she's always known it. I don't want her to get hurt either. She's a wonderful, talented, special young lady. And she's your daughter! Do you really want her to hate you? For being a murderer? The best thing you can do is leave right now, and forget any of this happened." Steve sighed. "I won't tell anyone you were here."

     "Thank you for your time. The paramedic will be here soon to take care of you." The police officer nodded his head towards Carrie's wrist.

She didn't care about her wrist. "What about Kady?"

"We have officers on the way to that address now. Don't worry, Miss. I'm sure your friend will be okay. Well I have to take this statement back to the station. Are you able to arrange transport home, Ms Fisher?"

"Uh, I could call my brother, Jordan."

"All right. We'll be in touch, but please wait here to see the paramedic and arrange a lift home. You may even need to go to the hospital."

Carrie thanked the police officer and turned to the man who had let her in. "I'm sorry but could I use the phone again? Just to call my brother."

"Of course, that's no problem at all." He handed her the cordless phone and went away into the kitchen and made his wife the hot chocolate she liked to have at night. "Would you like a hot drink?" He asked Carrie.

"Yes please. I think I'll have hot chocolate too if that's okay?"

"That's fine." He smiled. "Sounds like you've had an eventful night, you deserve it."

She called Jordan, who took a while answering but it was late, he had probably been asleep. When he answered, it was obvious she had woken him. He sounded like he was talking in his sleep. "Hello?" He mumbled.

"Jordan, it's me, Carrie. I need you to come get me right now."

"What's the matter? Has something happened?"

"Yes, but I will explain when you get here." She asked Audrey to give Jordan the address, she'd forgotten it since she told the police, and waited anxiously for her brother.

She picked up the mug of hot chocolate with her uninjured hand, and only now the adrenaline was wearing off, she could feel the injuries.

She'd hurt her knee badly, and her wrist was throbbing. Her cheek was starting to sting and her head was pounding. Both elbows were lacking skin and the blood had smeared down her arms.

Even though this was a serious situation, suddenly her mind went straight to worrying that she'd got blood on this lovely couple's sofa. 

The paramedic knocked on the door, making Carrie jump. A little of her hot chocolate spilled from the cup and onto her jeans, luckily it had cooled down. Hopefully this paramedic would give her some painkillers.

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