Chapter Eleven:

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      Kady tried calling her dad as Benji sped towards her mothers house. But she wasn't getting an answer from him. 

She groaned in frustration and threw her phone down on the seat beside her, it bounced and hit Carrie in the thigh. 

Carrie just turned her head slowly, glanced at the phone, then went back to staring out the window as trees and houses whizzed by them.

Kady was about to speak to Benji, but the last time her or Carrie tried speaking he'd snapped at them. And she didn't want to risk getting hurt. 

What if he had killed someone? Why was he avoiding the question? Why was he acting so erratically?

Maybe he just felt guilty and was trying his hardest to make it up to them?

Or maybe they didn't know Benji at all. Not anymore.

Carrie felt as though she'd lost him, she hadn't recognised him at all over the last couple of days. 

She'd lost her sister, and now her boyfriend. And the worst part about it was, it had happened on the same day. She needed to get away. She noticed the car doors were not locked...

All of a sudden, Benji and Kady felt a rush of blistering cold air, and the outside noises pouring in. Carrie's door was wide open, and she had gone. 

She had jumped out of the car while it was going fifty miles per hour.

She struggled to her feet. There was no doubt her wrist was dislocated, and there would be massive cuts and grazes on her legs, but she was so pumped with adrenaline that she didn't feel it. 

She didn't care. All she needed to do was run. 

Call the police. Get the heck out of there before he turned around and came back.

She darted into someone's garden and ducked down. She waited a moment and then crawled to the side of the house, ran over the back yard and scaled a small fence onto another garden.

She saw a light on in the house in front of her, and immediately ran to the back door, and banged continuously until it opened. 

"I need help." She gasped, trying to catch her breath. "I need to call the police."

The man standing in front of her looked confused at first, then that quickly turned into shock when he noticed her dislocated wrist, and the grazes and cuts on her arms, one on her cheek and the blood seeping through her jeans on the knees where she'd landed after jumping out of the car. 

"Of course. Come on in." He held open the door, glanced around outside, then closed it after her. He put the latch on.

He handed her a phone and asked if she needed anything else. A woman's voice sounded from upstairs. "Who is it?"

"Just a moment, Aud!" He called out. Then he turned back to Carrie. "That's my wife, Audrey. I should go and explain. There are glasses in the cupboard above the kettle, help yourself to some water." He smiled and left the kitchen to go upstairs.

Carrie's hands were shaking so bad, she almost dropped the phone. Eventually, after two glasses of water, and when her hands stopped trembling, she managed to get through to the local police. 

"I think my boyfriend knows who's been killing all these girls. He's on his way to my friend's mothers house now." 

She gave Karyn's address and told them that Benji thought the killer would be there. She didn't, however, tell them that she suspected her boyfriend had something to do with it.

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