nolan arenado

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"hey guys. welcome back to our channel. today i'm going to be doing a prank on nolan. he's at his friends house so i'm just going to text him. basically like a lyric prank but with no songs." i adjusted my camera and grabbed my phone. i was trying to think of the perfect way to start the prank.

baby ❤️💍

babe, i need to tell you something.

"i am freaking out right now. oh, i forgot to tell you guys that i'm telling him that i cheated on him. he's going to flip." i laughed. i'm nervous to see how he reacts.

yeah, sure. what's up babe?

i took a shaky breath before typing my response.

i cheated.

i looked up at the camera. "oh lord."

you what?

i um cheated.

with who?

"he seems calm. so glad i'm doing this over text or he'd actually kill me."

one of your teammates

which one?


which one?


"i texted trevor before this and made sure he was cool with me saying it was him. just incase nolan texted him i told trevor."


he texted me

what did he say!!??

he's pissed. no beyond pissed

good. don't respond

baby ❤️💍

i can't fucking believe you right now. you cheated on me with my teammate!! who the hell does that??

baby, i'm so sorry

don't call me baby. i'm not your baby

nolan. i didn't mean for it to happen like this

how long were you unhappy for?

i don't know. a month or so

why didn't you talk to me about it?

i had tears streaming down my face. "i can tell how hurt he is," i made a sad face. "my poor baby. i'm going to need to end this. i feel so bad."

i don't know. i'm sorry

i'm almost home.

"oh god guys. i need to hide the camera." i grab the camera and tried to find the best spot to put it in.

i heard the front door open and appeared nolan. a lifeless nolan. he looked like he'd been crying all day. i was sitting on the coach when he approached me.

"is it true?" i nodded my head. "i'm going to get my stuff and stay with kevin for a bit." that's enough time to end this. he walked into our shared bedroom and i grabbed the camera and hurriedly ran after him.

"nolan babe. it's a prank. i didn't cheat on you." he looked at the camera with tears rolling down his checks. i pushes the camera out of his face and grabbed the clothes he had laid out to take with him, and put them back in the closet along with the suitcase.

"i love you so much baby." i tried to grab his hand but he moved it away before i had a chance and walked out of the room.

"i should probably end this here. subscribe if you're new. hit the like. comment below team morgan. hit the bell to receive notifications for when we post. have a great day everyone. see you next time." and with that, i turned off the camera and headed into the living room to find nolan.

"babe?" he was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. i take a seat next to him and gently rub his back. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean for the prank to get that out of hand. i love you way to much to ever hurt you like that."

"it's okay. i'm not mad at you." i grabbed his face and guided it so i could look him in the eyes. he'd still been crying.

"baby, what's wrong?" my thumb rubs back and forth on his cheek while i wait for a response.

"i let the whole team down. we lost. we are out."

"baby, no, no. you didn't let the team down. it wasn't your fault. you guys are a team. you played great out there. i am so proud of how much you accomplished this season." i place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"i love you,"

i was watching the rockies play the brewers and thought of this.

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