Chapter 15 Loneliness and Broken rule

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I get up to my room and stand up out of my chair slowly with Jazzy hovering right beside me . if I stand up too fast I'll go orthostatic which means I will pass out, it looks very dramatic in old movies but not so amusing in everyday life. I don't have a roomate either (yet!! oh please say someone is coming soon) so I always have half the staff down here when I faint because Jazzy lets them know there is a problem by barking her fool head off. Second reason is whenever I've been in one position too long, my chronic pain likes to kick my butt 7 ways from Sunday. Ah the life!!

I'm learning lots so it's not all bad, just hard being different sometimes. Most of the girls are my friends though, I don't know if it's for me or Jazzy but as long as nobody is mad at me, I'm cool!!

I miss my little Sis, my Mom and I guess my brother and Dad. My Dad thinks it's just a matter of eating but it's so much more that that. I live in the same state so I think my parents will be coming to a session or two to educate them. Eating Disorders have very little to do with food and a lot to do with needing to control something in a chaotic life. My Dad things I can just snap out of everything. If I eat I will be cured from my EDNOS! If I move, I won't have pain. If I exercise, I will build up my blood pressure and won't faint. He's a bit of an idiot but means well I think.

My sister Becky is pretty awesome. We fight of course but we both love cheer and dance. I can't do them anymore so I choreo routines for her sometimes. 

I go into the bathroom and get ready for bed and do a faceplant onto the bed then get up and tuck myself in properly. Jazzy is supposed to sleep on a little mat they brought in for her but as soon as I'm settled, she always seems to know when, she hops up onto my bed and curls up behind my knees. oops!!

The warmth of Jazzy and petting her head, after an exhausting day, I am totally asleep in minutes.

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