Chapter 10 Laila Eyes wide open, Mouth forced shut

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Beloved Reader: TRIGGER WARNING: mature content, cursing, self harm and sexual themes present. You are more information than this story so if you are struggling please please do not read this. Reach out! Message me here or on Kik (username ghdcanada) or talk to an adult you trust. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are enough. Much love, LA

Chapter 10


I look over at Kayla a few minutes after she lays down and she is out, her hands folded like a prayer under a face that is released from it's cage of anguish. 

I feel like I've been swimming in the ocean with cement shoes so I figure I will put my head down for a few minutes too since I have no other clients today since I cancelled the session with Sidi. I'm glad I could cancel the session, Kayla was in no condition to face Sidi after that breakthrough. 

Wow, Sidi giggled and Kayla showed emotion all in one day. 

I lay my head down, hoping for a moment or two of peace.

I'm in the kids hospital walking down the hallway, I peek in rooms but there is no one there, IV poles are abandoned and the needles are laying on the bed or the floor, some in puddles of blood like they were ripped out. They are chairs up turned and bedpans that look like they have been dropped. 

I keep going down the hall, trying to get to room 230 but the hallway looms in front of me, seeming like it will never end. Suddenly further down the hall I see a small girl in a bright hospital gown cross the hall, giggling. I speed up, trying to get to her even though the hall is like a slinky when you stretch it out, never ending.

I finally reach her, she's in the doorway looking at me her face twisted in misery.

"Mommy it hurts" She wails and that is when I notice the blood. It's soaked the whole left side of her gown so you can't see the frolicking dogs and cats, only a rapidly spreading crimson stain. She falls as if in slow motion and I reach out and catch her and we are both falling to the ground. I look to try to see if I'm wearing a hoodie like I usually am but I'm wearing a plain light blue gown with smears of blood on it. I tear off my gown, and hold it to her chest.

"HEELLLPP!! SOMEONE HELP US!!!" I scream and the echo finds it's way back to me like a boomerang.

I look down, She is gasping and the blood is seeping through my gown I'm pressing into her wound. I hear footsteps.


She is now bleeding from her ears and nose and eyes, her breath rattling in her throat. The steps are getting closer but she gives a great shudder and she is gone, her green eyes glassy and unseeing.

I run, naked, my hair tickling my back. the faster I run the less long the hall becomes, I reach room 230 and open the door, expecting to see my sisters tired but smiling face. Even up the the end Felicia tried to put on a brave face for people except during our latenight conversations where she would cry or get angry and I would hop in her hospital bed with her and sing her into a peaceful slumber. She never slept for long but said her best naps were with me.

She has her back to me and was resting so I wrapped myself in a sheet from her locker and lifted the blankets and crawled in with her. She was cold. Too cold. I turned her over and she was dead, crimson bloodstains had blosomed like sick flowers on her chest.

I run, loosing the blanket somewhere along the way, run and run and run down hallways. I run through the door to the playroom but it's not the playroom now, I'm transported to a graveyard with people in black, I can't stop myself in time and I fall into the freshly dug grave. 

Falling. Falling.

I finally hit the bottom with a thud, knocking the wind out of me. I [expect to see heads peer over the edge to see if I'm ok and to pull me out but no one seems to notice. I'm about to yell when I feel an icy cold hand snake from under me and cover my mouth, gagging me on the smell of rancid meat and dirt.

"Don't scream. You deserve this. You killed me" my sister whispers in my ear. 

Dirt is falling on me in heavy shovel fulls and I can't breathe. I'm panicked, trying to claw at the hand clasped over my face with the power of Hurcules.

"Laila, are you ok?" Says a sweet female voice, maybe I get to go to heaven this time. I'm being shaken. earthquake? "Laila?" 

I bolt upright screaming, startling Kayla, who must have been beside me, so bad she has fallen to the floor. I'm shaking so hard, I wipe my face, trying to clear the cobwebs out of my mind and feel moisture. I check carefully, I am sweating buckets and I think I was crying. Pull it together Laila!

"I'm so sorry Kayla, I didn't mean to startle you!" I ran over and help her up. "I guess I must have fell asleep to and was dreaming"

"I was trying to wake you up for the last 5 minutes!! That was no dream! That was a nightmare, I know, I'm well versed in such things. Who is Felicia?" Kayla said, looking at me dubiously.

"oh just a girl I used to know." I say trying to be casual. Kayla looks as if she isn't buying it. "Did you have a good rest?"

"yeah I was tired" Kayla smiles.

"ok well your group is having it's afternoon reflection before dinner, why don't I walk you to Maple house so you can get changed before dinner. I'll text the reflection leader, I think it's Wanika today, so she knows you aren't missing. I'm assuming you want to get out of those lovely green scrubs?" I say with a sardonic grin.

"oh yes please, these are dead sexy but I don't think I quite pull it off!" She says and laughs.

We head out the building, being blinded in the sunny day. THe sun scurging the vestiges of the dream, the endless nightmare out of my head.

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