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1 month without josh
Today marks an entire month of being alone. A month of being without josh and a month of absolutely no one leaving me to do everything for myself.
I had gotten a membership at a local gym where I met an instructor named Jenna.
She has blonde hair and blue eyes and she is the sweetest person I've met. She's taken me under her wing and began training me and helping me begin to work toward my goal.
She is my new best friend and even on the days she beats me to a pulp with exercise she's my biggest supporter lately.
Over the past month I have worked with her I've already lost 50 pounds leaving me at 325 pounds. Only 175 more to go to reach my goal.
I miss josh every single day and as I do wish he could see how hard im working to lose weight and to see how proud he'd be of me I know now that he left because I wouldn't have done it if he stayed.
Some days I do find myself thinking about how he is holding up and if he has already moved on and if he ever misses me like I do him.
He hasn't contacted me or came to see me but it motivates me to work harder.
I walked into the gym with my bag over my shoulder to Jenna's area.
"Tyler! Good to see you! You ready for today?" She asked.
I smiled and nodded at her.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said.
"Good. We're adding another weight today and we're gonna add a few things into the routine okay?" She asked.
I nodded and put my bag down.
"Anything that'll help me get to my goal faster. Oh! Speaking of I weighed myself this morning! 50 pounds down!" I said and smiled.
She smiled and clapped.
"I'm proud of you Tyler! You'll be at your goal in no time." She said and walked over to the treadmills motioning me over.
I walked over and stepped into it turning it on at a slow walking pace at first so she could give me instructions.
"So we've been going pretty slow on here and you've been doing amazing so we're gonna speed you up a little more sound good?" She asked.
I nodded and started jogging as she adjusted the speed on it.
"We will start adding speed every week from now on. I want you to stay on here for an hour sound good? You can drink some of the water as you do." She said and got on the one beside me.
I nodded breathing steadily like she had taught me.
I heard hers start up as she began running beside me.
An hour later I stepped off the treadmill already drenched in sweat but far from finished for the day.
"Okay Tyler go ahead and go use the bathroom if you need it and come back out. We're gonna go ahead and get on the stair climbing machine next." She said.
I nodded and hurried to the bathroom using it quickly, washing my hands.
As I walked out I knocked into someone else and muttered a quiet sorry before looking up at who it was.
I froze as I made eye contact with him, my throat not allowing anything escape my lips.
"Tyler?" He said.
I stared at him for a moment before swallowing slightly.
"U-uh hi j-josh." I said, cringing as I stuttered.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I-I'm working o-on getting better.." I said and looked down.
Josh hummed softly and nodded.
"That's good. I'm happy for you." He said.
I nodded and bit at my lip slightly.
"I've uhm..ive lost f-fi-fifty pounds." I said.
Josh smiled and leaned against the door.
"Oh yeah? That's good." He said.
I nodded and played with my fingers.
"Also went o-on that diet." I whispered.
If it was possible Josh's smile grew.
"Good job Tyler. I'm proud to hear that. Keep working on it you look good." He said.
I smiled slightly.
"Y-Yeah I will. My goal is 150." I said and nodded.
Josh smiled and rubbed my arm gently.
"Keep it up. You're gonna look amazing when you get there." He said and kissed my head gently before walking in the bathroom.
I jogged out to Jenna the fastest that I could and let out a breath.
"You will not believe who I just ran into." I said breathlessly.

This fic definitely has shorter chapters compared to my other ones

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