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When josh got home with the groceries I pushed myself up off the couch walking over to him as he began putting everything up.
"Hey. What'd you get?" I asked, watching him.
"Salads, almond milk, healthy stuff." He muttered putting the other bags on the counter of our shared apartment.
I frowned and peered into one of the plastic bags seeing nothing but diet food.
"No ice cream or anything?" I asked.
Josh sighed softly and shook his head, glancing over at me as he continued putting stuff up.
"No ty, nothing unhealthy. Remember what we were talking about? Going on a diet?" He said, an annoyed tone to his voice.
I whined softly and sat down in one of the chairs watching him put the stuff up.
"I didn't mean any time soon." I said which I guess wasn't the right choice of words because next thing I knew he was slamming the refrigerator door shut and turning to me anger evident in his eyes.
"Then when Tyler huh?! When?! For the past three fucking months you've been saying that you would but then its 'not yet josh I'm not ready' WHEN TYLER. I wanna help you but you won't fucking cooperate!" He yelled.
I flinched slightly and looked down at my feet sadly tears already filling my eyes. He had never yelled at me before.
"I just..I don't think I can do it josh.." I said sadly and started poking at my chubby thighs.
"Don't give me that bullshit Tyler. It's not that you can't it's that you won't. You don't want to. You don't wanna give up the junk food. You don't wanna get up off your fat ass and do shit. All you wanna do all day is lay around and watch TV while you stuff your fucking face and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of watching you kill yourself with bad eating habits, I'm tired of being the only one to have a goddamn job around here, I'm tired of being the only one doing anything around the house, I'm tired of having to take care of you all day, I'm tired of all of it goddamn it Tyler I can't do this shit anymore!" He yelled.
I closed my eyes letting my tears fall down my face as Josh's words pushed the knife now in my chest deeper and deeper with every venomous word that spewed from his mouth.
"I want a normal life, a normal boyfriend who I can take out without feeling embarrassed. I want a boyfriend who can get up and do shit for himself not lay around in bed all day eating nothing but junk that's making him fatter and fatter. I'm tired of it tyler I cannot do this shit with you anymore." He said and shook his head.
"S-so what..you're embarrassed of me b-because I'm fat? You think I'm n-nothing but an embarrassment now..you think I'm too big now just like the rest of the world..? Y-you used to tell me I w-was beautiful no m-matter what and now I'm an embarrassment..?" I sobbed, looking up at him.
Josh groaned and ran a hand through his hair.
"Tyler what am I supposed to say? That I can support you while you kill yourself slowly? I can't. Not anymore. You have to get better and lose weight. Until then my life is better without you in it. Just..get better Tyler get fucking better." He said.
I looked back down at my body and sobbed more as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with my mind.
Before today I never saw the flaws in myself because josh had always made me feel perfect and beautiful..now all I see is a fat boy sitting in a chair in the middle of his crying his eyes out over a man who couldn't love him anymore because he's too big. A fat boy who has an eating problem and thought it was okay when truly it wasn't.
A fat boy dying slowly all because he loves food.

I sobbed quietly as I packed my things from mine and Tyler's room into a large duffel bag.
I didn't mean to be so harsh to him but I couldn't go back now. I can't say I didn't mean it all because I did.
I hate being the one giving him what he wants and watching him eat himself to death. I hate watching the love of my life kill himself slowly because he kept eating and eating and eating until he couldn't anymore. He has to get better and until then I can't stay.
I wiped my eyes and stood up with the duffel bag full of my things, looking around to make sure nothing else was left before grabbing my car keys.
I took the key to the apartment off of my key ring, putting it on my night stand next to Tyler's bed.
I walked out ignoring Tyler's cries to the best of my ability as I sauntered out the front door of my now ex boyfriends apartment.
The first step into my new life which honestly I was scared to do without him but it's for the best.
Therefore I walked to my car, leaving the sobbing man behind to figure himself out as I did the same, walking into a new, healthy lifestyle without him in it.

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