Chapter Five

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"We're here!" I say as I pull onto the curb in front of Annie's house.

"Hi." I call out to Annie as we get out of our cars. Ashton and Michael hop out of my car and we walk up to the door with everyone,

"C'mon Carter! We're all heading into the backyard!" Zoe says and I smile.

"Uh I'm gonna call my brother really fast. I'll meet you guys out there." I say and she nods and follows everyone out. I pull out my phone and quickly call Chase.

"Why aren't you home?" Chase aswers and i sigh.

"I'm with my new friends, don't worry." I say and I hear him sigh.

"Why? You have known them for not even a day." Chase says,

"I'm not gonna pass up the chance to have a really good group of actual friends Chase." I say and now it's my turn to sigh.

"Be careful okay? Is it group of friends you were with this morning?" Chase nods.

"Yes." I say.

"That group is like 80% boys!" Chase says.

"Okay I just called to say I probably won't be home for a few hours, bye now." I say and hang up before he can say anything else.

I sigh and walk out to the backyard to see everyone playing football, well I think it's called soccer here but I'm not sure.;

"C'mon Carter!" Ashton shouts and I tighten the flannel around my waist and join them with kicking the ball around. I played football for about 5 years until I went into my sophmore year of high school.

"Prepare to loose, I played this for 5 years guys." I say and kick the ball to Calum.

"Ooh fancy." Calum says and I laugh.


"Okay let's play truth or dare!" Zoe yells. We've been here for at least 3 hours.

"Okay." we all agree and sit in a circle, me next to Annie and Michael, and right across from me is Ashton and beside him is Zoe and then on the other side is Lucas, then Calum next to Luke.

"I'll go first." Annie says and turns to me.

"Truth or dare Carter?" she asks. I absolutely hate dares.

"Truth." I say.

"Okay, who do you find the most attractive in this circle?" wow.

"Uh duh, me." I say in a duh voice and everyone laughs a little.

"No seriously Carter." Annie says with a smile.

"Well then..." I say and whip out my phone. I quickly look up a picture of Alex Gaskarth and place my phone in the middle of the circle.\

"Alex Gaskarth." I say with a proud smile.

"Clever." Zoe says and i smile at her.

"Okay whatever." Annie says and I smile at her.

"Okay Calum, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare." he says with a small smile.

"Okay I dare you to go jump in the pool, fully clothed, then give Zoe a bear hug." I saya nd he grins and jumps up and runs over to the pool. He quickly dives in then hops out. Zoe's eyes get wide as she jumps up and starts to run as calum chases her. I laugh some as Luke watches them with a wide open mouthed grin.

"CALUM!" Zoe yells as he finally garbs her waist and pulls her in for an unwanted hug.

"FUCK YOU CALUM HOOD!" Zoe yells with a smile as they walk back over.

"That was cute." I say and Zoe gives me a death glare.

"Don't." she says and the Ed Sheeran song comes into my head and I quietly sing the next part in the song;

"Fuck with my love

That heart is so cold

All over my home

I don't wanna know that babe." I sing quietly and Annie quickly looks at me.

"Oh my god I love that song!" she says then sings the next part;

"Don't fuck with my love

I told her she knows

Take aim and reload."

We somehow all end up singing the song and laughing because we turned into High School Musical for a few minutes.

"If we are High School Musical I call being Ryan." I say and they laugh.

"He's a guy." Luke says and I give him a 'no shit' face.

"He's fabulous." I say and he chuckle and shake his head.

"You're special Carter." Ashton says.

"That's what my doctor says." I say and they all chuckle and I smile at my new group of friends.


So quite a short chapter and it's kinda sorta like a filler

Um I read this fanfiction and it was about a girl who stalked Luke and it was creepy but in the end it turned out to just he Ashton playing a prank on him, and it's a series? I'm not complaining I just got scared at night.....

I know I'm like 5 at night I get scared....

Well I talked to my best friend who moved a almost a week ago yesterday and I miss her :(


~Mads :3

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