❃Slowly Coming Back❃

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My Obsessed Vampire Husband

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

Slowly Coming Back

Feeling his pulse is intense. I make sure to check his pulse and his chest, each time I do hear his heartbeat. But he isn't breathing, and that worries me the most. Everyone needs to breath to stay alive, even vampires. "What are you doing?" Victoria asks me. Looking around me, everyone is watching me while check his pulse and everything. I even counted the seconds while listening to his heartbeat, to make sure his heart is working and beating the right way, like it is supposed to do.

"Jason's alive" I tell them with the most cheerful smile on my face. The first reaction I get is confusing. They haven't heard his heartbeat. "She's right, if he were still dead, I would have seen him in hell. He is indeed alive" my birth father tells everyone. Why would Jason go to that place? Well, I don't really know what happens after death, sure I've died, but I wasn't really dead. I was somewhere else, which I have no idea where was. "How?" Victoria asks me with worry, confusion and anger.

Perhaps she is angry at me, that she think I am telling a lie, but I am not. I am telling the honest truth, I hear his heartbeat, I can feel his heartbeat. I couldn't possible be faking thins, not when it comes to Jason, or anyone for that matters. I would never fake something like this. I know Jason is alive, I can feel it. And, when I feel something, it is real. My feeling are never wrong. He just needs to wake up, I pray to god he wakes up soon. I can't stand being away from him, and he is here, yet isn't.

I miss him. "He has a heartbeat" I tell her, making sure that everyone heard it to, I spoke quickly and quietly, still I think they heard me speak those four words. Victoria definitely heard it, because she gaps. She lays her head on his chest, I can see the smile form on her face, and her tears slow down. I've stopped crying, I know he is alive. The only tears that I cry now, are the happy tears that escape my eyes. "You did it" she says happily.

Now all we can do us wait, wait for him to wake up, he must be waking up soon. Yet, deep inside my heart there is a tiny spark of doubt that tells me, that he won't be waking up. That all of this is just a false alarm. The water has died down, and the storm outside is slowing down, yet there is still a storm and there is still water on the floor. "I didn't do anything" I tell her with a sad smile, as much as I want to be the one who saved him, I didn't do anything, really I didn't. I suddenly just felt his heartbeat, out of the blue.

I had nothing to do with it. I could have, but wouldn't I know if I had brought someone back from the dead? I didn't feel anything. "You must have done something, you are the only one who could have done something to save him" she says. Even if I did something, it doesn't matter to me right now, all I care about is Jason being alive, nothing more. When he wakes up, I know he will wake up. I am not leaving him alone, until we get married.

"We should be getting home, it's getting late. Make sure to call us, if anything does happen" my adopted mom says, I guess they feel uncomfortable here, or something. Daphne hugs me. "Keep hoping" she whispers in my ear, so only I can hear. I say goodbye to everyone and they leave. I allow them to leave, and go past the water around the house. I took it down, it doesn't need to be up right now, there isn't any more danger, and even if there is then I will personally take care of it, and hurt everyone who stand in my way.

I'm not about to let Jason get hurt, again. Now that he has woken up. I will not allow someone to hurt him. "We should move him to the bedroom, where he will be more comfortable waking up" I tell Victoria, I don't want Jason to wake up on the floor. "Good idea" she says, we try to lift Jason up. I never realized how heavy he is. I am being as careful as I can with him while we lift him and try to walk with him to the bedroom. The only problem is, the bedroom is on the second floor.

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