❃A Shot From The Gun❃

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My Obsessed Vampire Husband

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O

A Shot From The Gun

Everything happened in slow motion. By the time I realize that he has a gun, it is far to late. He was so quick at shooting it, that I haven't noticed he even had a gun. As soon as the bullet has been fired, I throw him against the wall, where he hits his head, and passes out. The bullet never hit me, I never felt it. He must have missed me, but then I hear a thud behind me.

Slowly I turn around and I cry out when I see what is in front of me. Jason is on the floor with a bullet hole between his eyes, in his forehead. I fall down to the floor, cradling him. He isn't breathing. I put my head down to his chest. There is no heartbeat, every time I am with my head in chest, there is always heartbeat. The heartbeat that I love listening to. His heartbeat always calms me down, but now there is no heartbeat coming from his. His eyes are closed tightly. I realize what is happening.

Jason is dead. The love of my life is dead. My fiancé is dead, and we just got engaged tonight. I always thought that Jason couldn't die, I guess I was wrong. I hug him and sob in his chest. His suit is now wet from my tears. The water on the floor has grown, and has now formed a waving storm inside the house. Outside I can hear a storm form, the rain heavy. He's dead. I don't know what to do now that he is dead. He was the love of my life.

My fiancé. And now, he's dead, just like that. Everyone in my life are dying, why is the world so cruel to take everyone away from me, in a blank of an eye. All the men that were standing here frozen in ice are now dead. All of them are responsible, I know I said they didn't have anything to do with this, but they do. Hunter and his bodyguard have also drowned like the rest of them. I should feel guilty, but I don't. The world is lucky I got rid of them, they only want to hurt the world.

They hurt Jason, my love. And every last of them will pay for what they did. They took the one I love away from me. All my parents start to wake up, they are confused of what is happening around them. I just sit on the floor with Jason in my arms, begging that this is only a joke. And he will wake up soon, yet nothing happens. He doesn't wake up. No one answers my prayers of bringing him back to life. I can't lose him. Not after everything we have been through, he can't be dead. He can't.

We were supposed to get married and live happily ever after. But now it's gone. My tears just keep coming, I thought I had known pain before. But, nothing is worse than losing the one you love. And, as much as I dream of him waking up, Jason doesn't move. His body is starting to get colder, and his face paler. Making me realize that this isn't a dream, Jason Black is really dead. There is nothing I can do to save him, no matter how much I want to, my love is dead. I don't like that word, Death.

The memories him will forever be in my heart. My adopted mother hugs me, and I cry into her shoulder. The tears refuse to stop coming, not do I care about that. "It's al right, everything will be all right" she whispers to me, trying to cheer me up. I appreciate it, but it isn't helping. I don't see how everything will be all right. I don't feel already. Honestly, I don't feel anything but sadness. My body is numb from sadness. Another emotion that is strong in my body, yet not as strong as the sadness is anger.

I'm angry at Hunter, I'm angry at these men, I'm angry at Jason, but mostly I'm angry at myself. I should have been quicker than this, I could have stopped that bullet from hitting Jason. If only I had been quick enough. This might all be my fault, he is dead because of me. I was the one who didn't see him take that gun, and I wasn't fast enough to stop it from killing him. This is all my fault. The front door opens, but I am to busy holding his hand, and crying to notice who it is. Don't know how hey got through the water converting the house, but at this moment, I couldn't care less about it.

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