❃The Life On Land❃

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My Obsessed Vampire Husband


The Life On Land

Rays from the sun shine into my bedroom as I sleep. The sun is so bright that my eyes start to burn a bit. I turn around in my sleep with my head buried in my soft pillow, and now I'm laying on my stomach. By doing this a little cat is thrown off my lap, that was sleeping there peacefully, just enjoying his sleep until I shook him off me by turning. He jumps off the bed after being rudely awakened by me, and he does what ever he does.

The sun has forced me awake and I don't want it. I was in the middle of a great dream, and not did I want it to end. This is one of those things that I loved being in the ocean, the sun never bothered me because she couldn't shine down there. Sure, if was pretty dark and sometimes scary, but there was no sun to burn my eyes. Now that I'm awake I better get out of bed, there is no point staying in the most comfortable bed laying there awake. Besides, I have the whole day ahead of me, and I have many things planned for today.

Unfortunately all of those things require me to wake up and get out of this bed, which I don't want. But, I need to. I turn back around with the pillow on top of my head, so I'm laying on my back with my head under the pillow. You could say I'm not a morning person right now. Well, it isn't my fault. The sun is the problem. I sit with and the pillow falls into my lap where I rub my eyes and when they have gotten use to the light I open them tiredly.

This is just one of those days when you never want to wake up, just want to stay in bed all day. On the nightstand is a clock and it reads seven. Oh, are you kidding me? Seven? I had to wake up at seven o'clock? This should be a crime to the sleep, to wake up at seven when I have nothing to do. I could have been sleeping to at least ten or eleven, but no. The sun wanted me to wake up at freaking seven. Sorry for my bad language. But, I do deserve to be mad right now.

Anyway, I pick myself up from the bed and walking like a zombie, I make my way to the bathroom that is downstairs to have a shower. The shower is wake me fully up. After the shower I go into the kitchen and make myself some toast for breakfast. I've been in this house for the night and I thought I was dreaming, but I'm not. This is all real. The toast wasn't that very good, I accidentally burned it. This just isn't my day.

When I have finished by burnt toast I go upstairs to my room, and open the huge closet room. There are so many clothes, accessories and bags, make-up and shoes. This is everything a girl could ever want, and beyond. I go to the clothing corner and I pick light blue jeans and a gray hoodie. It's autumn, and I felt it before that there is a little cold outside. Today I will be going outside. As much as I could like to be sick at home in bed, I don't want to be sick. I go into sneakers and I'm ready.

When I come back downstairs Shadow has gotten himself comfortable on the couch in the living room. I pet him a bit before noticing that on the glass table in front of the couch and in between the TV and the couch is my phone. Just laying there. Picking it and pushing the home button, I see that no one has been in it since I used it last. Which, don't even remember when that was. It's fully charged and I don't see a reason for not using it. I pet Shadow and kiss the top of his head, and I walk to the door.

Taking the keys and my phone I walk out of the house and into the beach. I really want to dip my feet into the ocean, but I resist my urges and walk to the streets where people are walking, running and cycling all around me. The streets are now packed with people, I don't really pay mind to them. I'm just glad to be here, and not in the ocean. The noise is the only thing I wish wasn't here, yet I love listing to the noise. There were very little sounds in the ocean.

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