Chapter three: Allons-y!!

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8:45pm, the 16th of December, Monday.

"Doctor?" Rose whispered. She had fallen asleep in the Doctor's room. She didn't mean to do that. She practically was laying on top of him.

"It's okay Rose, I'm up!" He said.

"How long have you been up?" She asked.

"Oh, maybe..... 30 minutes." He replied. "It's the Time Lord. I really never stop"

Rose got up and before she got up he planted a friendly kiss on her cheek.

"I'm going to go take a shower and put some new clothes on okay?" She said.

"Alright!" He replied.

Rose walked out of his room. She was very hot because she had been wearing her winter clothes all night. Once she had made it to her room she pulled down some clothes and walked into the bathroom. She showered quickly, put her clothes on and as soon as she opened the door she smelt pancakes. "Breakfast!" She thought and skipped down the hall.


After breakfast


"Yes, Rose?"

"Am I like... A good kisser?" She asked blankly

"Yes, you are a good kisser" he replied.

They were in the TARDIS control room. The Doctor was naming off places they could go.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" He ran into the kitchen and brought back liquid medicine that looked purple.

"Here drink this! It will clear up that cold and fever of yours in 30 minutes." The Doctor said. Rose gulped it down.

" Thanks" she said, now that awful grape taste coated her mouth.

"So how did you think that went?" Asked The Doctor.

"What?..... The kiss?" Rose asked.

He nodded.

"Doctor, I love you and I always will. It was unexpectedly wonderful!" Rose rasped, her voice still not back to normal.

"Why?" Rose asked.

"Because, Rose, I love you and I've always wanted a time to be alone and in love with someone and I've never had the chance." The Doctor replied sheepishly.

"You're such a softy!" She giggled.

"Hey, I am not!" He replied.

"Sometimes!" She said.

"Spoilers" the Doctor replied.

"Well where do we go now?!" He said.

"Anywhere! I don't care as long I'm with you!"

"Okay then. Allons-y!!"

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