Chapter One : Back from a different planet.

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"Rose Tyler...... Defender Of The Earth!" Yelled The Doctor happily.

The Doctor and Rose had just visited raxacoricofallapatorius and were sitting in the TARDIS library drinking coffee. They bought it at a local Starbucks in Charing Cross Road, London. It was a lovely December evening for drinking coffee. They had the TARDIS right outside the Starbucks but in the alley way next to it. The snow was falling lightly everywhere in London and they had gone outside to see someone hang a Christmas tree wreath on the TARDIS door. Rose sat next to the Doctor, cuddled up together in a blanket wrapped in winter clothes on the velvet couch in the front of the fireplace, sipping coffee and reliving the moments that they had.

"Doctor, can I tell you something?" Asked Rose, a little hoarse. She had gotten a fever and a cough while they were visiting raxacoricofallapatorius.

"Well, Rose, I can tell you something!" He said, putting his coffee down on the table In front of them.

"What's that I may ask?" Replied Rose.

He leaned over just a bit and whispered something sweet in her ear. Even though he spoke this three word sentence in Gallifreyian, she knew what it meant. The Doctor was a charmer. After saying this sentence in her ear he immediately pulled her even closer around her waist and he clashed his lips on hers. Rose was stunned but soon became relaxed and followed along with him. Rose dropped her coffee on the floor but she didn't care because nothing else was warmer than this. Rose wrapped her arms around the Doctor's neck and deepened their kiss. Rose began to reach up and feel his warm and soft brown hair, ruffling her fingers through it. Rose never knew it was that soft and luxurious. The Doctor, nor Rose, wanted this to end.

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