Chapter 2- Cafe

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Class is finally over...I should go to Recovery Girl's office and apologize to Bakugo...
I grab my backpack and make my way to Recovery Girl's office.

When I reach the room, I open the door and I'm greeted with Recovery Girl's 'I was expecting you' look.
"Hello, Miss Recovery Girl, I was wondering how Bakugo was doing..."I say, still in my monotone voice.
"He's awake, don't worry you didn't do too much harm to him," Recovery Girl replies, walking towards me.
"Where is he...? I would like to apologize..." I could hear my voice get quieter and quieter.
"Oh? Alright, right this way Y/N," Recovery Girl said and began to walk away. I quickly began to follow her.

Bakugo was sitting on one of the beds when we reached the recovery room.
He appeared to be thinking about something. Recovery Girl left the room once I entered, it was just me and Bakugo. I walked towards his bed. He didn't notice me, or maybe he noticed me, he just didn't want to enology my presence.
I need to just go head and get over with this...I need it apologize and then I can leave him alone before another person hates me...
"...I'm sorry...for knocking you out, Bakugo...that is all..." I say in my monotone voice, but somehow it's laced with sincerity.
I turn on my heels and begin to walk towards the door, when I hear,
"Seriously? You're treating me like a little brat that can't take a punch without crying for their Mommy...and I DON'T APPRECIATE IT."
Oh no...he sounds mad...did I seriously already get someone else to hate me?
I stop walking. I turn back around to face, Bakugo. He's now standing. He looks mad.
There is only one thing to do in this situation...

I bolt out of the room, careful to not use super speed.

I make my way to my one-room apartment, after I escaped the scho-Bakugo. I dropped of my school stuff and then changed into some everyday clothes. I put on a fluffy, oversized cream-colored sweater, that went down to my knees. I put on my black thigh-high leggings and black boots. I looked in the mirror.
I look okay. Time to go to work!
I then hear my phone vibrate. It's a text from Mrs. Kobayashi.
Kobayashi: Hey Y/N, I need you to open the café tomorrow and for the next few weeks. I know I already told you this, but you might need a reminder so...ya.
Me: Don't worry! I remember, Mrs. Kobayashi! You go have a wonderful trip with Toru and Kanna! Thank you for trusting me, I promise I will take great care of the café!^^
K: ^^I know I can count on you!
K: Call me if you need anything! Bye
Me: Bye!^^
I grab my teddy bear backpack and head out the door.

I'm about a mile away form the café when I feel a hand wrap around my neck. I then see the owner of the hand. The male had black hair, stapled decaying and "normal" skin, and some emo outfit. The male also had very blue eyes.
Oh, you have got to be kidding me...what does this edgy boy want?

"What do you want?" I ask in a sarcastic tone.
"Do you not know who I am? I'm Dabi, a member of the League of Villains. You're a student at UA...correct? You are a student in class 1-A...correct?"
I rip the male's hand away from my neck and continue walking to my destination.
"Whatever, go bug someone else. I have to get to work," I say as I'm walking away, in my normal monotone voice.
"Why do you have a job? You're a student?"
"You have to pay the bills somehow. I'd rather not be a thief so..."
"Ugh..." I hear footsteps follow me.
I turn around and ask sarcastically,
"What do you want to buy a coffee or something? I don't take you as the type of person to like cafés."
The male, named Dabi, just shrugged in response.
I roll my eyes and continue walking.

I reach the café and unlock the door. I close it behind me and begin setting everything up.
I hear the bell, meaning someone has entered.
I turn around and see Dabi.
"The café isn't open yet," I all I say in my monotone voice.
I hear a chair move.

Dabi probably sat down.

I look up to see that I am correct. I then go back to what I was doing, which was baking fresh cat-shaped buns. They are like fish shaped buns, but that are in the shape of a cat curled up into a little ball.
Miss Kobayashi let's me sell whatever food and drink items I want. She trusts me despite not knowing me for very long. Also, her wife Toru is really outgoing. She is really lively, but she knows when to clam down so she doesn't get on my nerves. Their adoptive daughter, Kanna, is really quiet and clam. She also doesn't show much emotion...but she is really enjoyable to be around. They are such lovely people...

Huh? A Café? It's not named...

I walk inside a cute little café. It's very clean and has various tables and booths for people to sit. The counter is huge. It also looks kind of like a coffee shop's counter. It's has multiple coffee machines and other café machines...

I wish I knew what those machines are...but I don't...I need to get better at describing things...*internal sigh*

I then see a lady with red hair, glasses, and an apron approach me. She smiles at me and asks,
"Hello there, you look like a nice and trustworthy person. What's your name?"
I don't know what to say. I have just started talking again...I take a deep breath and quietly reply,
"That's a nice name. You can call me Miss Kobayashi, that's what everyone else calls me."
"Kobayashi! We are out fish-shaped buns!" Exclaims another lady. She was behind the counter. She had two pig tails that was orange and yellow, with pink tips. She also had on an apron.
"Hm...hey, do you know how to bake?" Miss Kobayashi suddenly asked me.
I nod.
I had baked a few things after being rescued, and I think they turned out okay.
"Would you like to help us make more? We could get it done a lot quicker," Miss Kobayashi asked.
It sounded like fun.

I kind of like baking...

I nod.
"Great! Come with me," Miss Kobayashi says as she starts walking to the counter.
I follow behind her.
I can sense she's trust worthy.

I snap out of my flashback thanks to the sound of the bell. I have a customer. I spin around with a smile on my face and a cheerful tone and begin working.

The café is going to close in a few minutes...but Dabi is still here. starting to freak me out now...should I call All Might or Aizawa?

Dabi then stands up from his chair. He walks up to the counter and asks like any costumer would,
"Could I have a chocolate croissant and a black coffee?"
I am taken aback by how Dabi is acting. When I snap out of my confusion, I get Dabi his order.
"That will be four dollars," I respond.
Dabi surprisingly takes out four folded dollar bills from his pocket and set them on the counter. I get a yellow highlighter and mark each of the dollars to see if they're fake. They surprisingly are the real thing.

This guy is seriously pay with real money?!???

I hand him his order and put the money in the register. Dabi takes the order and goes back to the table hr was sitting at.

It's past time for the café to close...should I kick him out?

"I have a question for you," I hear Dabi say as I'm cleaning up the café.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Do you want to be a hero?"
I stop cleaning.

No...I don't...they scare me...they remind no...the only reason you are going to U.A. is because some of the people there rescued aren't stable...they want to keep an eye on you...RESPOND YOU USELESS GIRL! YOU ARE'NT RESPONDING! SAY SOMETHING YOU IDIOT!

"Yes," I finally respond.
"I know you're lying."
"I'm not."
"What's your real name?"
"Huh?" I hear something fall. I turn around and see Dabi on the floor, still sitting in the chair.
I stifle a laugh.
"You act like you've never been asked that," I say holding out my hand to help pull Dabi up, he takes my hand. I pull him up to his feet. His eyes widen, then he says in awe,
"You're strong..."
"Thank you," I reply, with a small smile.
Dabi gives me a small smile in return.
"You look cute when you should do it more often. You have a nice smile," Dabi suddenly says.
I am taken aback by the sudden...compliment?
He chuckles.
"You don't sound very sure," He says, smiling.
"...I...I'm not...very getting...compliments?" I say looking down at my hands, which I just now realized, Dabi was still holding.
"Are you gonna hold my hand forever?" I ask, cutting Dabi off before any words could leave his mouth. He looked down and notice he was still holding my hand. He brought my hand closer to him and kissed it.


He then let go of my hand and I crossed my arms. Dabi also crossed his arms and said, while throwing away is empty cup of coffee and empty paper bag,
"Well, it was nice chatting with you, see ya."
"Bye, Dabi!" I wave bye with a small smile.

Huh...he's actually somewhat decent...surprising...

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