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Why am I lonely?

I have my dad and my mom

I have my brother and sister

And I have our baby-pets

Why do I feel betrayed?

My parents are not seperated

I don't have any friends who'd betray me

I never had a boyfriend cheat on me

Why do I feel so hurt?

I never had a close someone die

I'm not getting shoved and bullied

I don't have a disease or missing parts

Can loneliness really cut this deep?

Enough to make me want to die

Merely because I never had someone love me,

And someone to see through my lies

I feel so ahamed, I don't live such a bad life

I only have a father who's a perfectionist

A mother who hates me and ignores me

A brother and sister who's too busy to care

Why am I feeling so hurt?

Merely because I feel like my family doesn't want me

Just because I never got to know my grandparents

And just becase I don't have any friends to trun to

I'm living a good life, granted I've stopped making memories

Memories that I could - maybe - share with my future kids

And I don't have any lessons to tell my future family

Why? Why do I feel like dying, just because I'm cold and alone?

This poem sounded better when I was first writing it... now, I feel like the emotions and thoughts are jumbled.... oh well...

hugs and kisses.... xOxOx...

always s^.^ile...


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