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Chapter Eighteen

Dequan "Quan"

My blood boiled.

Last night when Delilah came home, she told me many disturbing things. My mind couldn't even function properly after that. Hearing that my sister had been heartbroken for her, so called bestfriend; raped by her best-friend's boyfriend, blackmailed by him, and then told that she was infested with AIDS made me want to burn the whole universe up. I know that's obviously impossible, but that's how I feel.

I actually decided to work on a hit-list in my mind. The first person I wanted gone was Jordan. First, he messed with Tylaa which doesn't bother me much anymore, but now he's messed with my blood sister and I'm absolutely not gonna tolerate that bulls--t!

Second, on my hit-list was Aysia. She caused all of this. She's such a whore that she doesn't even know who gave her AIDS! I was so ashamed for Delilah to even know that I'd been smashing her. I felt stupid. How could I let her slutty ways go right up under my nose? I was surprised, because Ly also told me that the b---h speaks perfect English. She tricked me and it made me angry.

My fist clenched on my desk. I really wanted to go ahead and fire Tylaa, because she was so remedial and naive, but that would be very unprofessional. I sighed and used the intercom to ask Ms. Combs to head to my office.

I waited a few minutes before Tylaa walked in. Her beautiful body was caressed with care by her fitted dress. It fit right to her body and I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful in so many different ways. "Ummm," she started.

My trance was terminated by her voice. I snapped back into reality and grimaced at her sight. Looking at her made me think of that evil boyfriend of hers, Jordan. I wanted to kill him on spot. "Tylaa. Sit please," I said. "Look. If this is bull crap again then I'm not with it," she said sitting down. "This isn't bull-crap. If you would quit being so stubborn and listen sometimes maybe you wouldn't be as dumb as you are," I said bluntly. She looked taken aback and started to say something, but I cut her off. "Shutup! You need to open your f---ing eyes Ty! You can't see that this man HIT YOU and he's only using you!" I fussed at her. "You're just like your stupid mother! I can't believe that you can still stay with this man! I understand that you don't want me, you're not attracted to me and you obviously don't love me, but I don't want to see you get hurt. That's all Jordan is doing! He keeps hurting you little by little. What's done in the dark comes to light," I spat!

Tears rolled down her face as I shouted at her. Her sobs got louder as I screamed more hurtful words at her. I hadn't realized that she was now bawling in the middle of the floor, but I didn't care. I wanted the b---h to feel how I felt. Inside, I was feeling a terrible pain and I wanted everyone to feel the same.

"ENOUGH!" Tylaa screeched. I took a look at her. She was all types of torn up. "Ty-" I tried to start. "HELL NO! YOU REALLY GOING TO SIT THERE AND SCREAM AT ME LIKE I'M A F--KING IDIOT? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S DUMB! AND THEN YOU HAD THE NERVE TO CALL MY MOTHER STUPID? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS AND ALL THAT S--T YOU'RE TALKING, BUT YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT'S HURTING ME! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. I HATE YOU N---A!" She expressed to me. Her voice was trembling, but loud and overbearing. I cringed at her last words. I know that I may've went overboard, but hate was such a strong word. I sighed as she balanced herself from off of the floor. She walked out my office and slammed the door.

I ran my fingers over my face. I can't do this anymore. I have to go and confront Jordan. He's causing so much trouble and I'm not gonna allow it to effect me.



Tears streamed down my face as I packed my things into boxes. I could absolutely not work under the same roof as Dequan. Especially if he has to be the boss. It would be just like committing suicide, a terrible decision. I sighed and tried hard to suck up my tears, but they kept pouring out of my eyes.

Normally, I wouldn't be in a weak state like this, but the words that left Quan's mouth cut me deep. His words replayed again and again in my brain. The part about my mother being stupid and also about what's done in the dark must come to light. Even though I never would've wanted to admit it, I felt left out and clueless. It was as if there was something the others weren't telling me.

I sighed as I heard my door open. I instantly tensed up, because my instinct told me that it was someone dangerous. I slowly tweaked to the right. A couple of the thin ice-cubes thickened when I saw Monica. It was my first time being excited about her presence. I was really happy that Dequan hadn't walked into my office. I sighed a sigh of relief.

When I turned around fully, I saw the smirk grow on her face. I was confused and then I understood. She wanted me to feel this way and she also wanted me to leave this place. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her. She was really messing with me, because she started to chuckle. "What's so funny!?" I asked her. She chuckled again. "You. You just can't get enough of Dequan. You just had to run him away and now you're crying, because he fired you. Typical," she said. I almost jumped across my desk and slapped her, but I kept my cool. She hadn't heard anything, because closer to the back the rooms are sound-proof, so she was clueless.

"You're dumb," I chuckled as I turned to finish my packing. After my words, I didn't hear anything from Monica. I turned to see if she'd left, but as soon as I turned around, she struck me in my face. I was easily put into defense mode and I began to hit her. She tried her hardest to keep me off of her, but my weight held her down as I pounded her face. I smiled at my ability and began to really tear the b---h up.

"Help! Help!" She screeched. Her squeals got louder and louder as I scratched, punched, slapped, and punctured her face. I soon heard a crowd of people coming towards my office. I didn't give two craps. I wanted to beat the life out of Monica. My anger was taken out on her.

"Oh my goodness! Ms. Combs is killing Monica!" One of the students said. I sighed as I stopped hitting Monica. I came out of my immortal state and realized what I'd done was wrong. I looked up and saw the security guards coming my way. Once again I sighed and the tears began to fall. "Ms. Combs, you will have to be moved from the premises," the heavy guard spoke. I nodded and grabbed my many boxes and my purse.

I was thrown out of my own workplace and I looked like a complete wreck. With everything whirring around in my mind, I'd forgotten that Jordan dropped me off to work this morning. I let out a sob, because I didn't want him to see me like this. I had to call someone else.

I dug into my purse and reached my phone. A groan escaped my lips as I scrolled towards Ly's name. I was really hoping that she didn't have a nasty attitude similar to the one she had yesterday. I clicked the 'call' button and waited for her to answer.

"Hello," Delilah's dull and hoarse voice spoke. "Ly?" I asked. "Yes," she half-whispered. "Can you come get me?" I asked her. "I'm - I- I'm in the hospital," she stuttered. "What?" I asked surprised. How did I not know this !? I asked myself. "Ty. I have AIDS," she said.

---------- ANOTHER CLIFFY! I Had To Give Y'all Something. It's Been Six Days &&' I'm Ready To Finish This, So I Can Work On Other Books &&' Also Do The Sequel To This. I'm Not Sure On The Name Yet Or Nothing But It'll Be Soon :)

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