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Chapter Eight


I watched Tylaa as she slept. She was taking a nap before she had to work at 9. There'd never been a time when Tylaa had to work at night time, so I'm assuming she and Dequan have something planned. I normally have Sunday's as my day to work hard, but I was going to call in sick. I'll have Aysia over and Delilah will be watching Diamond at the Perry's house. I'm not sure where Cash is, but I'm pretty sure he won't be popping up in the middle of my affair.

I laid on my back as I watched Tylaa's chest rise up and down. She was so beautiful! She was so delicate and she gleamed just like a diamond. I'm assuming she's been told that before, because she must've named her daughter after her own persona. I smiled at the thought of my family. Tylaa, Diamond, and I never really had any problems. We were so perfect, just like a diamond or a gem.

Have you ever heard the saying . . . "Never drop your diamond for a rock" ? I don't ever want to think of dropping both of my beautiful diamonds. I know earlier this month I'd had the conversation with Cash, but over these couple of days, I've been thinking. What's done in the dark, doesn't always come into the light. Even though I'm stressed and going through a short affair, I'm going to get better and soon we'll be one big happy family again.

I kept watching Tylaa until I was almost asleep myself. I saw her eyes flutter open. I smiled at her. She gave me a sleepy smile and sat up. "Awee, you were watching me?" She asked me. "Yes," I said. "Creep!" She said teasing me. I winked at her as she got up and did her hygiene things. She came out of the bathroom and kissed my lips. We don't do the whole morning or sleepy breath thing. That just wasn't us.

"Go shower and get ready," I said. "I really don't want to go," she pouted. "You need the money. Miss Independent," I said smirking. I really just wanted her out so that Aysia could come over. She still thinks that I'm going to work, but it's okay. I leaned up and kissed her sweet lips. They tasted minty from her toothbrush. I licked my lips and then bit hers. "Ouch," she moaned. I chuckled and finish letting her get ready.

She showered and then dressed in casual clothing. "Why you not dressing up?" I asked her. "I have to teach a class. I'm going to be really sweaty and tired, so you don't have to worry about me when you get home," She said grabbing her belongings. "I will anyways," I said laying back on the bed. "Good," she said on my lips as she pecked them. "Again," I said. She did. "Again," I said. She kissed them again. I began to repeat, "Again, again, again, again," and she giggled as she gave me multiple pecks. "You're so corny," she spoke as she kissed my cheek. "Don't forget to call Ly to pick Diamond up. You better work hard as heck at work," She said sternly. "Yes ma'am. Have a good time. Love you and be safe," I said walking her downstairs and to the door.

She nodded. "I'll try. Love you more," she said softly, turning around in the process. Guilt was all over her face. I felt bad. I blew her a kiss and she blew one back and sighed. I locked the door behind her and watched her drive-away in her vehicle.

After she'd left, I ran upstairs to the house phone. I rung the Perry's number about 3 times and then a male voice overpowered the line. "Perry's residence," I heard the unfamiliar voice say. It didn't sound like Mr. Ron and it wasn't Dequan. "Yes, may I speak to Delilah?" I asked. "Who's speaking?" He asked, sounding offended. "This is Jordan." "Well, this is Lenny . . . Her boyfriend. Why are you calling?" He asked with hesitation. "Oh hey Lenny! I've heard much about you. I'm Jordan. Tylaa's boyfriend. I was calling to see when Delilah was coming to get Diamond, because I need to get to work." "Ohhhh. Wassup bruh, she's already on her way." "Oh okay. Thanks." I said. "Yeah. Catch ya later," he spoke.

I hung up and sighed at that dumb slang he'd been using. 'Bruh' and 'Catch ya later'. Tylaa and I don't use that slang or profanity. We have a nice household, that doesn't condone foolishness. I smiled at our rules as I walked to Diamond's room.

Soon after checking on Diamond to make sure she was up and ready, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down stairs with Diamond on my side and her bag on my arm. I looked through the glass and saw the mutated looking face of Delilah. I opened the door for her. Her face became clear.

"Hey Jay-man! Hey DiDi!" She squealed. For some reason, Ly was always happy and she never caused problems. I'm glad that Tylaa had her as a friend. Even though I think she's a good friend for Tylaa, I also know she's another way for Ty to get to Dequan. The man that I despised of. "Hey Ly," I said giving her a side hug. "Hey aun Ly," Diamond said. I smiled at her attempt. We had her spoiled and even though she couldn't say a lot of full words, she was extremely smart.

"Everything in here?" Ly asked. I nodded. "Be careful on the food," I reminded her. "Always," she said grabbing a squirming Diamond. "Bye Jordannnn," Diamond said extending my first name out. Now that Cash is in her life, she'd stopped calling me dad. I didn't mind, because she technically wasn't my kid, but I loved her nonetheless. "Bye Jay! Have fun at work," I heard Ly say closing the door all happily. "Oh I will," I mumbled as I walked back up the stairs.

I grabbed my keys and phone. Time for my mission. I smiled as I thought of Aysia. It's so crazy how she just popped up, but it's okay, because I know she means me good.

I hopped into my Aston Martin Vanquish and texted Ay that I was on my way. She replied with a kissy face. I love her. I smiled as I drove towards her house. She was living very nice! She had a three story house that contained the colors blonde and magenta. "Nice taste," I whispered to myself as I walked up to her door.

I knocked twice and I saw the beautiful Aysia. Her short hair fell right below her ear and she her french shape looked almost edible in her long brown trench coat. "Hey ma chéire, la Jordanie" she spoke softly. I loved the sweet Creole that rolled off of her tongue. I remember her teaching me French. The language of love.

"Wassup bonbon," I spoke back in French. "Passons à ma maison," I said hugging her. "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" She asked me seductively. I gave her a smile of sultry." "oui bébé, s'il vous plaît me faire," I spoke. I was surprised I still knew the dialect, but talking to my bébé Aysia made my memory go wild!

I grabbed her hand as she locked the door. I couldn't wait to have this beautiful woman back in my arms. It's been a long time since I've had intercourse. Tylaa and I vowed that we wouldn't do married things, until we were married. As a man, that's very hard, so now that I'm getting someone who I know can throw it down, everything's going to be alright.

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