Chapter 13

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Luke stood up as the bus came to a halting stop. Matt looked up at him.
"So when are you going to do it?"
"That's right. I'm coming over at 5:00."
"I know. See ya!" Luke called back to him as he was rushed off the bus by the people behind him. He stepped off the bus into a calm afternoon. At lunch everyone had gotten along and Ryan seemed to glow with delight. He was glad. His friends were his friends again and she was still his friend... however now it was time to tend to the problems that were creeping in the backs of no doubt both of their minds. Luke began to walk home, not rushing at all. He enjoyed the cool air and the soft glow of the sun which was cloaked by long sheets of clouds. Eventually he got home and opened the door.
"Luke! Did you get the mail?"
"No, sorry! I've got some stuff to do. I'll do it later I promise!" Luke called as he rushed up the stairs and he could hear his mother sigh. He closed the door to his room when he entered and immediately drifted toward his closet. He opened it slightly and pulled out a little black box. He opened it to make sure it still held it's contents, as if someone might have stolen it. Inside was a collection of My Chemical Romance bracelets and a necklace. He had gotten it right after he left Matt's house that day. Luke smiled at it for a second, then snapped it back shut, setting it down gently by the closet door. He took a second to plug in his phone, then looked around his room, scattering his belongings everywhere.
"Common, common, ideas!" He mumbled to himself. Suddenly a thought flickered in his head. He found some pieces of paper and laid them out on his desk. But the thought was demolished as soon as he thought longer about it.
'No. Too cheesy.' He thought to himself and swiped the papers off of his desk. He sat down on the floor and rubbed his eyes. He continued to think until he heard the door bell ring.
"I got it!" He called in a hurry and tumbled down the stairs to open the door.
"Hey, Matt."
"Hey, Luke."
"Come on in." Luke welcomed him in and led him up the stairs. As soon as they were in Luke's room Matt asked
"So what do you have so far?"
"Ok so I got this." He picked up the black box and handed it over to Matt who opened it.
"But I'm not sure what else I should do or what I should say or..."
"Luke. Don't over think it." Luke looked over at Matt.
"What do you mean?"
"Your thinking TOO much. This is enough. Just give this to her and ask her."
"But what do I say?"
"That's for you to decide. If I come up with it for you it won't be as special because it's not really coming from you." Luke thought for a second.
"Just be yourself. That's all you have to do." Luke nodded.
"Just be myself..." He mumbled. After a moment of silence and Luke thinking, Matt said
"So do you want me to leave when she comes or what? What are you thinking of doing?" Matt gave him time to answer. He continued to think. And then an idea popped into his head.
"Oh! Of course! Yea Matt go home. I'll see you tomorrow." Luke said hurriedly as he grabbed a small backpack and put the box inside.
"Oh ok. That was quick. Tell me what happens."
"I will." Luke unplugged his phone and texted Ryan.
"Meet me by the mailbox?" Was all he said.
"So should I go now?" Matt asked.
"Ok see ya! I wish you luck!"
"Thanks!" Luke called after him. He looked back down at his phone to see Ryan had texted back.
"Yea. Right now?"
"K I'm heading there now"
"K same." Luke stood up, hefting his backpack over his shoulder, and ran down the stairs.
"Get the mail!" his mom said as he opened the door.
"I will!" He shut the door and began walking down the same familiar path. He breathed in nervously. He tried to walk slowly. After all his house was closer then Ryan's. Each step he took he felt a pang of fear in his chest.
'What if she says no?' The after noon didn't quite match with his thoughts. It was peaceful and calm. In his brain was chaos. Worries and fears stabbing at him, trying to make him go back. But with each pang of fear he took that step forward toward whatever was about to happen. Soon he got to the mailbox. Ryan was just walking up. She must've walked fast to get there. She was wearing that same Motionless in White hoodie and torn black skinny jeans. She was wearing her dark purple beanie.
"Hey." Luke smiled awkwardly.
'Just act normal!' He scolded himself.
'You know her!'
"Hi." She smiled back and they instinctively began to walk in the direction of the park.
"So what's up? What's been happening lately?" Luke tried to make conversation.
"Not much. Finals and shit. It sucks. Probably gonna fail but that's fine."
"Honestly same." Luke frantically thought for topics to talk about.
"I uh still can't believe we're almost to break!"
"I know, right? Everything's just gone by so quickly." Ryan shook her head.
"It's insane."
"Yea." After awhile they arrived at the park. Luke gulped. It would happen in only minutes now. They sat down on the monumental bench that they always sat at. Ryan looked around.
"It's really nice out, huh?" Luke asked, stalling for time.
"Yea. Wow." Ryan admired the trees swaying in the sun's glow.
"So uh... speaking of... nice things." Luke laughed nervously. Ryan looked at him as he bent the other way to unzip his backpack.
"Ok. Look." Luke breathed in and out.
"So. I... I know we've known each other for like... a month? And um. Well..." Luke rubbed his eyes.
"I think your really cool. And in the time I've gotten to know you, you've been really nice and awesome and well. The point is. There's that dance coming up and..." Luke pulled the little black box out of the otherwise empty backpack and knelt down. Ryan's eyes widened. He opened it for her to see.
"I guess this is kind of a proposal. Will you go to the dance with me-as my girlfriend?" Luke smiled awkwardly but Ryan frowned. For a second Luke was scared to death that she was going to deny it but then she put on a hesitant smile and said
"Yes. Yea yes. I will. As your- Yea." She started to blush and looked down. Luke handed her the little box and she took it. Luke got back up. He was a tiny bit worried. Ryan wasn't extremely excited. In fact she seemed more sad then before.
"Are you ok? Ryan you don't need to say yes if you don't want t-"
"No! I do! I promise! It's just..." Ryan's face had so much emotion on it. It seemed to carry the most complex of thoughts and contemplations and doubt that Luke could never understand. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes darted around as if looking for the right words. She seemed as if she were going to tell him something huge but eventually she sighed, letting go of what she was trying so hard to say.
"It's- it's honestly nothing. Don't worry about it." Ryan looked up at him and smiled finally.
"Of course I want to go. I wouldn't want to go with anyone else." Luke could feel himself blushing now. And then she embraced him in the biggest, warmest hug Luke had ever experienced.

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Where stories live. Discover now