Chapter 4

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Although he always put his earbuds in when he got on the bus, Luke nervously took them out. When he left Ryan on Friday afternoon, Luke hadn't gone back home immediately. A house wasn't the place he wanted to be. He instead walked back to the park and had sat in the same bench they sat in together. It was peaceful and the wind eventually grew strong, it was the only thing causing Luke to go back home. When he had arrived, his mom questioned were he had been.
"I just went to the park." He had said plainly. He hadn't given any details besides that. Although Luke couldn't dare to look at his phone, (he instead left it to charge) he couldn't concentrate on his homework either. His mind still lurked with the thoughts of now not only Ryan, but Matt. Now as Luke stepped on the chaotic bus, he worried about what Matt would have to say. About three people got on the bus before Luke so he couldn't quite make out anyone on the bus farther down than the first four seats. Eventually they cleared out and Luke was left standing next to the fifth seat, where he usually sat. Matt wasn't there. Although Luke was relieved, he frowned. He would prefer to just work this whole thing out now. Luke reluctantly slipped into his usual seat and waited for the rest of the line to sit down before turning on his phone. He hastily typed in his password and clicked on Matt's name in his messages.
"I'm sorry I didn't respond the other day. I want to work this out in person. Where are you?"
Luke looked up and around the bus as it started forward. It wasn't very hard to spot Matt near the back of the bus. He looked down at his phone and turned it off, resuming a chat with someone Luke didn't recognize. Luke frowned in anger.
"I know you saw that. I see you 👀"
Luke added an emoji to try to lighten the mood. He looked back at Matt who was putting effort into not looking up after he read the text.
"Seriously common. Don't b immature."
Luke looked up once again to see Matt frown at the message then silence his phone and put it in his backpack. He made an apologetic gesture to his new friend and continued talking. Luke made a frustrated sound and leaned back against his seat.

Luke payed attention in class. He wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to get his mind off of Matt or if it was because he was to angry to care. It might of been to ignore Matt. Either way paying attention helped the classes go by faster. Luke packed up his backpack a few minutes before everyone else and when the bell rang he was the first to stride swiftly out of the classroom. Matt didn't bother to catch up to him. Luke took quick steps as he paced down the hall and out the doors. He blended in with the swarms of students all rushing to the cafeteria. Most people ran to get in the lunch line first so by the time Luke arrived at the cafeteria most of the students were already there. Luke pushed past people to get into the narrow doors. Kids were extra hectic today. People pushed their friends around, yelled at each other, and occasionally a carrot or something of the sort would fly across the room. Luke couldn't help but smile. Soon there was only one person in front of him in line. Luke was just about to pick up a tray when he looked over to where Ryan sat. A group stood around her. There were about five of them, a few of them girls. Luke put down his tray slowly and stepped out of line to let the next person get a tray. Luke stepped a bit closer but watched from a distance. The group was laughing and making gestures at Ryan. Her hoodie was up and she huddled in the corner. She glared up at them nervously. One of the boys kept getting closer to her and she flinched back. Luke was getting concerned. Suddenly the guy grabbed Ryan's hoodie and lifted her out of her seat. Luke nearly tripped, running toward them.
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" The kid pinning Ryan to the wall looked back but it was to late. Luke slammed him into the wall and pinned down his arms. Immediately his friends grabbed him and threw him to the floor. Luke scrambled to his feet but the kid he attacked threw him against the wall, holding him down.
"Who the fuck are you?!" He screamed in Luke's face and laughed.
"Hero's come to save the day, huh?"
Luke glared up at him.
"Your protecting that fucking fag?"
"Shut up, asswhole!" Luke barked.
"Why? There's no point for someone like it to be alive. Just takes up space."
"It's dicks like you who judge people that take up space! Go fuck yourself!" Luke made a face with the effort to push him off but he did and immediately ran to guard Ryan.
"Hey!" Luke looked over to see a teacher walking toward them. She cornered the group and whispered in that low teacher voice that made your back tingle in fear
"I don't know what's going on over here but you all need to behave. I can hear you cursing from across the room. Don't make me send you to the principals office." She looked at each one of them in turn, then walked away, staying a close enough distance to be able to watch them. The group of kids glared at Ryan and Luke, then wandered off with a
"Common these fags ain't worth it." Luke immediately turned around to Ryan.
"Are you ok? What was that all about? Did they hurt you? Wh..."
"Luke I'm f..." her sentence was cut short.
"Are you ok?" Ryan nodded rapidly but Luke noticed her lip begin to quiver. And just like that she was crying, her face buried in Luke's chest.
"Ryan!" Luke embraced her.
"It's ok. Your not alone anymore. They can't hurt you anymore, hear me? Monday's suck, don't they? And people do to. But hey. Don't listen to them. Your gonna get through this. Don't..."
"Thank you." She sobbed into his shirt. Luke stared at Ryan then closed his eyes.
"Your welcome."

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Where stories live. Discover now